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Pharm chapter 4

Nursing Process in Drug Therapy and patient safety

Assessment The first step in Nursing Process. Information gathering about curennt health status and also evaluation of history and physical examination.
Evaluation Part of the nursing process; determining the effects of the interventions used for patients and leads to further assesments and intervention
Implementation Actions taken to meet a patient's needs such as drug admin, comfort measures, patient/fmaily education
Nursing the art of nuturing of the sick combined with the science application of chemistry, biology, nutrition to the particular clinical situation
Nursing Diagnosis Statment of an actual of potential problem based on the assessments of a particular clinincal situation. This leads to clinincal interventions
Nursing Process The decision making and problem solving process used to provide efficient nursing care. it invovles gathering informaiton, formulating a nurse diagnosis statement, interventions and evaluations
Assessment Includes the following Pt History: Chronic conditns, drug use, allergies, level of education, level of understanding of disease and therpay, social supports, financial supportsm patterns of health care, Physical Exam: Weight, Age, Physical parameters related to the disease
Nursing Diganosis A statement of the patient's status from a nurisng perspective
Assement involves systematic, organized collection of data on the patient.
When does assessment end It never ends because the patient is in a dynamic state, continously adjusting to physical, emotional and environmental influences
Patient History is important to drug therapy because knowledge of patient histroy before beginning drug therapy will help promote safe and effective use of drug
What are comfort measure A patient is most likely to be compliant in taking his drugs if the drugn regime is not too uncomfortable or overwhelming
Placebo Effect The anticipation that adru will be helpful
Patient taking diuretics.. should be ready to be near toilet facilties
Biphosphonates Theraphy Take drug frist thing in the morn on an empty stomach. Stay upright for 30 mins after medication
The 8 Rights of Medication Administration Right Patient Right Drug Right DOsage Right Route Right Time Right Documnetation Right to refuse right to know
What are a patient role in drug administration therapy Keep a written list of medication you are taking Know the use of each med and what it is used to treat Read labels of meds and follow direction Store drugs away from kids and pets Speak up
How are mediacation errors reported They are reported in an institutional level and also on a national level
US Pharmacopeia National medication error reporting are handled by USP for instance in medication that mayhave similar names
Created by: Nurseifey
Popular Pharmacology sets




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