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Pharmacolg Chapter 2

Drugs and the body

Pharmacodynamics How the drug affects the body
Pharmacokinetics How the body reacts to the drug
Ways drugs usually work are as follows: To replace missing chemicals in our body To increase/stimulate certian cellular activities To depress/slow down cellular activities To interfere with the functions of foreing cells.
Chemotherapeutics Agents Drugs that interfere with the funtion of foreing cells such as invading microorganims or neoplams
Receptor Sites sites in the cell membranes that react with certian chemicals to cause an effect within a cell. LOck and Key Analog
Agonist Drugs Drugs that interact directly with receptor sites to cause teh same activity that natural chemicals would cause at that site Example Insulin reacts with insulin receptor sites
MAO inhibitors work to block the breakdown of norepinephrine by the enzyme MAO
Competitive Anatagonist Example curare.. drugs react with receptor sites to block normal stimulation producing no effect.
NOncompetitive antagonists Drugs that react with specific receptor sites and prevent the reaction of another chemical with a different receptor site on that cell
Drug- Enzyme Interaction Drugs that cause their effect by interfering with the enzyme systems that act as catalyst for various chemical reactions
Selective Toxicity The ability of a drug to attack only those systems found in foreign cells. Exmaple Penicillin
Goal of chemotherapeutic drugs to deliver a dose that will be toxic to the invading cells yet cause the least amt of harm to the person/host
Pharmacokinetics invovles the study of.. absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
Pharmacokinetics consideration in a clinical practice include the following onset of drug action, drug half-life, timing of peak effect, duration of drug effects, metabolism, Site of excretion
Critical Concentration the amount of drug that is needed to cause a therapeutic effect. Too much is toxic.. too little will not produce therapeutic effects
Loading Dose The initial dose of the med willbe a higher dose to reach critical concentration
Absorption Refers to what happens to a drug from the time it is introduces into the body until it reaches the circulating fluids and tissues
Routes of drug administartion Oral: Parenteral: IV drugs
IV drugs Reach their full strength at time of injection, avoid initial breakdown,
IM drugs Are absorbed directly into capillaries in the muscle and sent into circulation It takes time to get into the person's system. IM drugs reach peak level in men faster becos of the vascular muscles.
Passive Diffusion Major process of absorption of drugs into body. Occurs accross concentration gradient
Active Transport Absorption processs that using energy to move the molecules across cell membrabce. Not very important in the absorption of drugs. But very crucial in drug excretion
Distribution The movement of drugs in the body's tissues
Protein Binding drugs... They are boung to the proteins in the cell. Tightly bound drugs takes a long time to be excreted off the body
Blood Barrier is a prote3ctive system of cellular activity that keeps mnay things away from teh CNS. Drugs that at lipid soluble can pass thru the blood -barrier
Biotransformation or metabolism Process by which drugs are changes into new, less active chemicals
First Pass Effects A phenomennon in which the drugs given orally are carried directly to the liver after absorption, where it is broken down in nad mostly inactivated by liver enzymes before they enter the general circulation.
Alcohol and Aspirin are absorbed in the stomach
Most drugs are absorbed in the small intestine
Phase I biotransformation involves oxidation , reduction/hydrolysis of the drug nia cytochromep450 system of enzymes
Phse II transformation involves a conjucation reaction that makes the drug more polar and more readily excreted by the kidneys
Enzyme Induction the presence of a chemical this is metabolized by a particualr enzyme often increases the activity of tht enzyme system
Examples of drugs that increase activity of Cytochrome p450 Hepatic Enzymen System Nicotine, Alcohol, glucocorticoids
Examples of drugs that decrease activity of Cytochrome p450 Hepatic Enzymen System Quinidine, NIzoral ( ketoconazole) Mexitil
Excretion the removal of a drug from the body
Routes of Excretion are as follows skin, saliva, lungs, bile, feces
GLomerular Filtration the passage of water and water soluble componets from the plasma into the renal tubule
Safe medication administration pratice includes checking the patient liver and kidnery function before implementing any drug regimen
Half life of a drug The time it takes for the amot of drug in th body to decrease to one half of the peak level ir previously achieved
Factors influencing drug effects Weight,Age, Gender, genetic factors, Physiological factors, pathological facotrs, immune factors, psyhchological facotrs, drug tolerance, cumulation, interactions
Medication Order must include the following Pt's full name, Date of order written, Name of Drug, Dose, Route, Time & Frequency and MD signature
5 steps of nursing process Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis, Implementation ( planning), Intervention, Evaluation
Created by: Nurseifey
Popular Pharmacology sets




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