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meds #2

Mast Cell inhibitors, gluticocorticoids, bronchodialators

Relaxes the smooth muscle of the bronchi, resulting in bronchodialation MOA of Bronchodialators
these drugs are less effective than the beta adrenergic drugs and are given PO or IV route Xanthine Derivatives
First Line of treatment for acute asthma attacks, best given through inhalation B-2 Beta blockers
Mrs. Lisa experiences Nervousness, tremors, and Nausea. As a Nurse, you can assume she's experiencing side effects of Bronchodialators
Monitor cardiac rhythm, increase fluid intake to 1500-2000ml, administer after meals, do not crush Teaching needs of Bronchodialtors
Albuterol(proventil, Ventolin) Ex of Beta 2 Blockers
used to prevent and treat bronchoconstriction, 1st treatment of choice for acute astma attacks Beta-2 Blockers
With these drugs, you need a caffeine free diet Xanthine derivatives
Aminophylline(theophylline) Theodur, Theobid, Slophyllin examples of xanthine derivatives
After administration of a Med, Mr.G experienced a drop in blood pressure, increase in urine output, and stimulation in his CNS. you can assume he's experiencing side effects of Xanthine derivatives
As a nurse you would know to monitor this if prescribing a Xanthine Derivative blood levels
With this type of drug, you as a Nurse would need to teach your client how to monitor pulse rate, alleviate anxiety, and to stop smoking Bronchodialators
inhibit the release of histaine and other chemical mediators preventing bronchospasm and bronchoconstriction MOA:Mast Cell stablilizers
This med has a very short half life of 80 mins and is used 4-6 times a day Intal, NasalCrom(cromolyn)/Mast Cell Stabilizer
This medication taken to prevent asthma attacks causes a unpleasant taste, and has a long half life of 2.3 hours Tilade (nedocromil)/Mast Cell Stabilizer
Mrs. A takes this type of medicine to prevent her chronic asthma attacks Leukotriene Modifiers
This medication works by Modifying the mediators of the inflammatory response in asthma attacks; not used to relieve an acute asthma attack MOA of Leukotriene Modifiers
Mr. Jones calls and complanins of Headache, GI upset, and Insomnia. You can assume he's experiencing side effects of Leukotriene Modifiers
Singulair(montelukast) Accolate(zafirlukast) Zyflo(zileuton) examples of Leukotriente Modifiers
This group of Medication suppresses the inflammatory response without major side effects, are the most effective drugs availiable for precention of acute asthmatic episodes, and must be inhaled daily for the best effect glucocorticoids
Mr. J, experiences hoarseness and fungal infection of the throat. As a nurse you know he's experiencing Side effects of glucocorticoids
Vanceril(beclomethasone) Flovent(fluticasone aerosol) Azmacort(trimcinolone) Examples of glucocorticoids
Created by: MissT08
Popular Pharmacology sets




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