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PhTech Vocab 5

BRC Module 6 Vocab J-N

metabolic complication primarily in Type-1 diabetes in whihc the body breaks down fat instead of carbohydrates for energy, often due to a lack of insulin in the body Ketoacidosis
a body movement we make using head, face, arms, and legs when communicating with patients Kinesics
life-threatening metabolic complication where there is a buildup of lactic acid (often due to lack of oxygen) - characterized by muscle pain, weakness, shortness of breath (dyspnea), dizziness, and bradycardia Lactic Acidosis
disorder where one is unable to digest dairy products containing lactose - results in abdominal bloating and flatulence Lactose Intolerance
A horizontal laminar-flow hood has the HEPA filter perpendicular to the work surface. The clean air blows from the filter toward the person working in the hood, thereby keeping particulate matter away from the work surface. Laminar-Flow Hood (Horizontal)
A vertical laminar-flow hood's HEPA filter is parallel to the work surface and clean air blows straight down to the work surface. A glass or clear plastic screen on the front of the hood is pulled down & hands can be inserted into the hood. Laminar-Flow Hood (Vertical)
medication used to releive constipation, rectify incomplete or irregular bowel movements, or evacuate the bowel. Laxative
The least amount that may be weighed on a Class A balance. Preparations below this amount may be made in batch preparations or by using aliquots. Least Weighable Quantity(LWQ) or Least Amount Weighable (LAW)
Meds that can be only be dispensed by prescription have a 'Rx-only' symbol or this legend on the label: 'Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing w/o prescription.' - why prescription-only meds = legend drugs Legend Statement
Mixing technique in which two substances are mixed together on an ointment slab using a spatula to reduce the particle size. Levigation
sex drive Libido
Mixture of various substances in oil, alcoholic solutions of soap, or emulsions intended for external application; often used for their heat-producing effects. Liniment
facility where patients reside and are cared for by trained personnel for an extended period of time. Also called a 'nursing home' or a 'skilled nursing facility'. Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF)
Although similar to a cream, this medication dosage form contains more liquid and is applied more easily over larger areas of the body. Lotion
A number that identifies meds as belonging to particular batches produced by the manufacturer. It is sometimes called a 'control number'. Lot Number
Pharmaceutical used to treat or manage chronic long-term conditions or illnesses. Maintenance Medication
An organization designed to manage the cost and quality of and access to health care services. Managed Care Organization (MCO)
the max amount that will be paid by a 3rd-party payer for a multiple-source med. Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC)
ex) a 3rd-party payer sets the MAC at the level of a lower-cost generic equiv. that is readily available from wholesalers and reimburses pharmacies at this level whether a brand-name med or its generic equivalent is dispensed. Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) example
Physician, usually an allopathic physicain (as opposed to an osteopathic physician). MD
insurance plans administered by states for the 'medically needy' Medicaid
insurance plan administered by the government primarily for individuals over 65 and persons with disabilities Medicare
prescription medication insurance plan administered by the government primarily for persons over 65 or with disabilities. Medicare Part D
the surface of a liquid in which surface tension causes the liquid to cling to the sides of the container. when measuring liquids in a graduated cylinder, one should measure from the bottom of this. Meniscus
a bowl-like material used in compounding primarily non-sterile preparations Mortar
a drug product that is available from more than one manufacturer Multiple-Source Drug
far vision, far sightedness Hyperopia
Prolonged abnormal dilatation of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug Mydriasis (they say it's far sightedness but it isn't)
near vision, near sightedness Myopia
prolonged abnormal constriction of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug Myosis (not near sightedness like the system says)
The national drug code (NDC) is assigned by the manufacturer and placed on all prescription stock packages. The NDC number identifies the manufacturer, the actual chemical entity and the package size. National Drug Code (NDC Number)
Adequate notice of how a covered entity may use and disclose protected health information about the individual, as well as his or her rights and the covered entity's obligations with respect to that information. Notice of Privacy Practice
Nurse Practitioner NP
autoimmune disease characterized by a decrease in blood cells, arthritis and skin abnormalities. common is the butterfly rash on the face. Lupus
Created by: tmbstnphotos
Popular Pharmacology sets




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