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Theater history 18th

Theater history 18th century

Drame any serious play that didn’t fit the neoclassical definition of tragedy
Ballad opera (opera comique) 18th century, english burlesqued opera: no recitative, songs were set to popular tunes, characters drawn from lower classes ex: The Beggar's Opera
Sentimental comedy (comedie larmoyante) 18th century england, comedy reaffirmed middle-class morality; virtuous rewarded, wicked punished
Middle class (Bourgeois) tragedy tragedy-heros from middle class, dramitizations of middle class morality; sentimental; melodramatic
Drury Lane & Covent Gardens only two theaters in london to present legitimet drama
Chiaroscuro in painting, emphasis of contrasts between light and shadow, assosiated with Giambattista Piranesi and others
Licensing act of 1737 Restricted plays to two patent holding theaters in london, all scripts must be approved by the lord chamberlain.
Boulevard theaters Theaters located in 18th century france, along the buolevard du temple in paris, catering to popular tastes.
Multiple point (angled) perspective use of 2 or more vanishing points, frequently at sides of a painted design. Ferdinando Bibiena introduced it in the early 18th century
Bombastic/Declamatory Standard patterns of stage movement, emphasis on oritoracle skills, often address lines to audience.
Laughing comedy comedy where people laugh, coined by Oliver Goldsmith
Baroque exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur
Hanswurst a pantomimic character in comic performances on the German stage; a great favourite at one time with the vulgar; distinguished for his awkwardness, his gluttonous appetite, and his rotundity.
The Enlightenment advocated Reason as the primary basis of authority
Sturm and Drang emphasized the volatile emotional life of the individual, 1767-85
Scenic design in this period Influenced by italy, most had wing and shutter settings, painted perspective and used the pole and chariot system. Ground rows were invetned, chiaroscuro used
Acting in this period bombastic acting
Emergence of the director came about because playwrights and actors had other primary concerns
Denis Diderot 18th century famous French Philosopher who edited Encyclopedia, came up with the genre Drame Burgois, wanted greater realism, playwright
Oliver Goldsmith 18th century English Playwright, Attacked sentimental comedy calling instead for laughing comedy
Charles Macklin 18th century English Actor, Natural style of performing, also playwright
Richard Brinsley Sheridan 18th century English Playwright, wrote sentimental comedy, viewed as a link between two periods
Beaumarchais 18th century french Playwright, his works reflect the explosive political, economic, and social issues of the time, ex: the marrage of figaro
Carlo Goldoni 18th century italian playwirhgt, wanted plays to be more realistic and more lifelike
Dumesnil 18th century french stage actress, better actor than singer, worked in Comédie-Française, rivals with Clarion
Clarion 18th century french actress, in the Comédie Italienne, then to the Comédie-Française, rivals with Dumesnil
David Garrick 18th century english actor, producer and playwright, managed Druery Lane, more realistic acting, reformed stageing of plays, became like a director
The Bibienas 18th century scenic designers, came up with multiple point perspective, leaders in scenic design
George Lillo 18th century playwright, invented domestic tragedy, ex. the london merchent
Johann von Goethe 18th century German Director, playwright, critic, philosopher, minister of court of Wimar, and efficient leader, made intense rehersal process, and regulations for acting behavior
Caroline Neuber 18th century German actress-manager who was influential in the development of modern German theatre. impruved actors social standing
Carlo Gozzi 18th century Italian PLaywright, wanted theater to be more fantastical
Created by: hioo1
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