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GRE words 1/5

1000 GRE Words Part 1/5

Abase to degrade; to lower
ABATE "to reduce in amount, degree, or severity
ABDICATE "to give up a position, right, or power
ABERRANT deviating from what is normal or expected
ABEYANCE temporary suppression or suspension
ABJURE to reject; abandon formally
Abortive unsuccessful
Abridge to shorten without losing the sense
Abscond to leave secretly
Absolve to free from blame; to forgive
Abstain to hold oneself back; forbear; hold off; refrain
Abstemious moderate in appetite
Abstract theoretical; not concrete
Abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless
Accolade "an award, honor, or expression of praise
Accost to boldly confront
Accretion a growth in size; an increase in amount
Acidulous sour in taste or manner
Acme the highest point; summit; peak
Acquiesce to agree or submit quietly but without enthusiasm or with reluctance; to give in
Acrimonious spiteful; nasty; caustic
Acute intense; sharp; penetrating
Adage a traditional saying
Adamant stubborn; unyielding in your attitude or opinions
Adherent a faithful supporter
Admonish to scold; to remind of a duty; to warn
Adulation excessive praise; hero worship
Adulterate to make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances; debase; doctor; load; sophisticate
Adverse unfavorable; in opposition to ones interests or desires
Advocate to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument
AERIE "a nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded, dwelling
Aesthetic concerning the appreciation of beauty
Affable polite and friendly; easy to talk to
Affected phony; artificial
Affinity attraction or proclivity; a sense of kinship with something/someone
Affliction distress; suffering
Affluent prosperous; wealthy; rich
Aggrandize "to increase in power, influence, and reputation
Agitate move; shake; stir up
Alacrity speed or quickness
Allege to assert without proof
Alleviate to make more bearable
Altruism devotion to the welfare of others; selfless generosity
Amalgamate to combine; to mix together
Ambiguous open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; doubtful or uncertain
Ameliorate to make better; to improve
Amenity A comfortable feature or convenience
Amiable friendly; agreeable
Amoral neither moral or immoral; not having questions of right and wrong
Amortize to diminish by installment payments
Amulet ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
Anachronism something that is out of place in time
Analgesia the inability to feel pain
Analogous similar or alike in some way; equivalent to
Analogy a comparison that focuses on similarity
Anguish extreme pain
Animosity hostility; active dislike; enmity
Annex take position of
ANODYNE something that calms or soothes pain
Anomaly "any occurrence or object that is strange, unusual, or unique
Antagonize to annoy or provoke to anger
Antipathy extreme feeling of dislike; aversion
Antiquity the ancient past; period of the ancient past; great age
Antithesis an opposition; a contrast
Apathy "lack of interest, enthusiasm, concern, or emotion
Aplomb self assurance; poise; imperturbable confidence
Apocryphal of dubious authenticity; fictitious
Apostate one who renounces a religious faith
Appease to satisfy
Apprehensive worried; concerned
Approbation approval and praise
Aptitude natural ability; a talent
Aqueous referring to water
Arbiter one with the power to decide
Arbitrary determined by chance or impulse
Arbitrate to judge a dispute b/w two opposing parties
Archaic ancient; old-fashioned
Ardor intense and passionate feeling
Arduous difficult; strenuous; requiring much effort
Aristocratic of noble birth
Aroma quality or surrounding atmosphere; typically pleasant smell
Arrogate to claim without justification; to claim for oneself without right
Artful crafty; cleaver
Articulate able to speak clearly and expressively
Artifice cunning; craftiness; the using of trickery to subterfuge to get one's way
Aspirant a seeker; one who seeks a position
ASSAIL to attack; assault
Assuage to make less severe; make more bearable; alleviate; lessen
Astute shrewd; clever; crafty
Atone make amends or preparation
Attenuate to reduce in force or degree; weaken
Audacious fearless and daring
Audacity boldness; impudence; reckless daring
AUGURY prophecy; prediction of events
AUGUST dignified; grandiose
AUSTERE severe or stern in appearance; undecorated
Autocratic having absolute authority; without checks or limitations
Autonomous self directed; not controlled by another; independent
Avarice extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Axiom premise; postulate; self-evident truth
Balm something that heals
Banal ordinary; unoriginal; lacking freshness; trite
Belabor to persist beyond the point of reason; to go over repeatedly
BELFRY bell tower; room in which a bell is hung
Bellicose inclined to fighting; demonstrating aggression
BEVY group
BIFURCATE to divide into two parts
Bilk to cheat; defraud
Biology study of life
BLIGHT to afflict; destroy
BLITHE "joyful, cheerful, or without appropriate thought
Bolster to keep from yielding or failing during stress or difficulty; to support; prop up
Bombastic pompous in speech and manner
Bomhomie good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer
Boor "crude person, one lacking manners or taste
Bow-vine cow-like or ox-like
Brusque abrupt; blunt
BURGEON to grow and flourish
Burnish to polish; to make shiny
Cabal a secret group seeking to overturn something
Cacophony a harsh discordinate mixture of sounds; harsh jarring noise
Caliber (figuratively) quality; ability; merit; capacity
Calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies
Callow immature; unsophisticated due to youthfulness; inexperienced
Calumny a false and malicious accusation; misrepresentation
Canard a lie; an unfounded rumor or story
Candid impartial and honest in speech
Capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior; changing one's mind quickly and often
Captor person or animal that catches or confines another
Caricature a distorted portrait that exaggerates certain features
Cartography science or art of making maps
Castigate to punish or criticize harshly
Catalyst something that brings about a change in something else
Catholic universal; broad and comprehensive
Caustic capable of burning or destroying living tissue; severely critical or sarcastic
Chafe to make sore from rubbing or scraping
Chaff that which is worthless
Chagrin embarrassment; humiliation
Chaos great disorder or confused situation
Chauvinist someone prejudiced in favor of a group to which he/she belongs
Cheery Cautious; watchful; wary
Chicanery deception by means of craft or guile
Chimera an illusion; a fleeting foolish fancy
Chronical a history
Circumspect cautious; aware of potential consequences
Circumvent to go around; to bypass
Citadel fortress; refuge
Clandestine "characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment
Cleft a split; a crevice
Cloy sickly sweet; excessive
COALESCE to grow together to form a single whole
COFFER strongbox; large chest for money
COGENT convincing and well-reasoned
Cognizant aware; conscious of; informed
Colloquial informal or common
Collusion Conspiracy; secret operation
Commodious having lots of room
Compelling forceful; having a powerful pull
Complicity participation in wrong-doing; the act of being an accomplice
Concise expressing or covering much in just few words
Concoct invent; prepare by mixing together
Concord harmony
Condescend to talk down to
CONDONE "to overlook, pardon, or disregard
Congenial friendly; pleasant; agreeable
Congenital from birth; inborn; inherent
Connoisseur an expert; a person with expert knowledge or discriminating tastes
Consensus general agreement
Conspicuous easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
Consummate extremely skillful; perfect
Contentious argumentative; quarrelsome
Contest (verb) oppose as mistaken or wrong
Continence self control; restraint
Contingent dependent; hinging upon
Contrite remorseful; admitting of guilt
Contrived obviously planned or forced; artificial; strained
Conventional conforming to accepted standards
Convivial festive; friendly; jovial
CONVOLUTED intricate and complicated
Copious plentiful; abundant
Corollary a natural consequence
Corroberate "confirm or give support to a statement, theory, or finding; back up
Cosmopolitan international; belonging to all parts of the world
COSSET to pamper; treat with great care
COTERIE an intimate group of persons with a similar purpose
Countenance refers to the face and especially as regards its expression
Coup a brilliant victory and often unexpected
Covet to desire intensely
CRAVEN lacking courage
Credulous gullible; eager to believe
CRESCENDO steadily increasing in volume or force
Criterion a standard; basis for judgment or criticism
Cryptic mystifying; mysterious; ambiguous
Culminate to climax or reach the highest point
Culpable blameworthy; deserving blame
CUPIDITY greed; strong desire
CURMUDGEON "cranky person, usually old
Cursory superficial; hasty; haphazard
Curtail cut short; to reduce; abridge
Cynic mistrust people's motives; thinks everything is motivated by selfishness
Created by: probot13
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