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Chapter 16

epoetin alfa Epogen, Procrit
filgrastim Neupogen
pegilgrastim Neulasta
sargramostim Leukine
aldesleukin Proleukin
interferon alfa-2a Roferon A
interferon alfa-2b Intron A
interferon beta-1a Avonex, Rebif
interferon beta-1b Betaseron
dornase alfa Pylmozyme
antihimophilic factor Alphanate
azathioprine Imuran
cyclosporine Sandimmune
mycophenolate CellCept
sirolimus Rapamune
tacrolimus Prograf
abciximab ReoPro
adalimumab Humira
alemtuzumab Campath
tasiliximab Simulect
bevacizumab Avasxtin
cutuximab Erbitux
daclizumab Zenapax
efalizumab Raptiva
gemtuzumab Mylotarg
ibritumomab tiuxetan Zevalin
infliximab Remicade
muromonab-CD3 Orthoclone OKT3
natalizumab Tysabri
omalizumab Xolair
palivizumab Synagis
panitumumab Vectibix
ranibizumab Lucenetis
rituximab Rituxan, Mabthera
tositumomab Bexxar
trastuzumab Herceptin
busulfan Myleran
carboplatin Paraplatin
carmustine BiCNU
cisplatin Platinol
cyclophosphamide Cytoxan
dacarbazine DTIC-Dome
ifosfamide Ifex
lomustine CeeNU
oxaliplatin Eloxatin
streptozocin Zanosar
temozolomide Temodar
bleomycin Blenoxane
dactinomycin Cosmegen
daunorubicin Cerubidine
doxorubicin Adriamycin PFS
epirubicin Ellence
idarubicin Idamycin
mitomycin Mutamycin
plicamycin Mithracin
valrubicin Valstar Preservative Free
capecitabine Xeloda
cytarabine Cytosar-U
fluxuridine FUDR
fludarabine Fludara
fluorouracil Efudex
hydroxyurea Hydrea
mercaptopurine Purinethol
methotrexate Rheumatrex
thioguanine Tabloid
abarelix Plenaxis
aminoglutethimide Cytadren
bicalutamide Casodex
flutamide Eulexin
goserelin Zoladex
leuprolide Eligard, Lupron Depot, Viadur
megestrol Megace
mitotane Lysodren
triptorelin Trelstar
chlorambucil Leukeran
estramustine Emcyt
mechlorethamine Mustargen
melphalan Alkeran
thiotepa, leucovorin (NONE)
docetaxel Taxotere
etoposide VePesid
paclitaxel Taxol, Abraxane
vinblastine Velban
vincristine Oncovin, Vincasar PFS
irinotecan Camptosar
topotecan Hycamtin
dasatinib Sprycel
erlotinib Tarceva
imatinib Gleevec
nilotinib Tasigna
alitretinoin Panretin
altretamine Hexalen
arsenic trioxide Trisenox
asparaginase Elspar
bortezomib Velcade
denileukin diftitox ONTAK
gefitinib Iressa
mitoxantrone Novantrone
pemetrexed Alimta
procarbazine Matulane
amifostine Ethyol
dexrazoxane Zinecard
cevimeline Evoxac
chlorhexidine gluconate Peridex
hydrogen peroxide Peroxyl
lidocaine and diphenhydramine and Maalox Magic Swizzle
phenol and sodium borate and sodium bicarbonate and glycerin Ulcerease
pilocarpine Salagen
fulvestrant Faslodex
tamoxifen Nolvadex
anastrozole Arimidex
exemestane Aromasin
letrozole Femara
Created by: elinapierce
Popular Pharmacology sets




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