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Gast Section III

Therapeutics III

Natural Sources: citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and green leafy foods Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Natural Sources: Meats, milk, salt water fish Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Natural Sources: yeast, lean meats, eggs, and whole grain cerals Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Natural Sources: Green leafy vegetables, liver and GI flora Vitamin K (Aqua-mephyton Phytonadione)
Natural Sources: Vegetable oils, wheat germ, fresh nuts, green leafy vegetables Vitamin E (Aquasol-E Tocopherol)
Natural Sources: Liver, kidney, and milk Vitamin A (retinol, beta carotene)
An organic compound that is necessary in the diet of mammals for the maintenance of normal growth, metabolism and reproduction Vitamin
An inorganic compound that is necessary in the diet of mammals for the maintenance of normal growth, metabolism and reporduction Mineral
Recommedned Dietary Allowances-prepared by the National Academy of Sciences - Food and Nutrition Board RDA
United States Recommended Daily Allowances-values derived from the RDA by the Food and Drug Administration as standards for nutritional labeling USDA
Chemicals contained in food that inactivate free radicals Antioxidants
Chemicals/substances that can damage cells and even the DNA that tell the cells how to behave Free Radicals
Salicylate derivatives that decrease inflammation in the GI tract Used as maintenacnce therapy in patients with mild to moderate colitis and ileocolitis Sulfasalazine and Mesalamine
Inflammation of the liver Hepatitis
Used for the dissolution of radiolucent gallstones by suppressing hepatic synthesis and cholesterol secretion Urosodiol (Actigall)
Inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth-often caused by chemotherapy Stomatitis
Inflammation of the gums caused by acteria or periodontal disease Gingivitis
Considered a hyperosmotic laxative that produces a bowel movement by combining an osmotic effect with the local irritant effect of sodium stearate Glycerin
Used for cathartic bowel evacuant prior to medical procedures Magnesium Citrate
Composed of sodium or magnesium salts Uses cathartic Saline Laxatives
Osmotic Cathartics Saline Laxatives Magnesium Citrate Glycerin
Works by lubricating the surface of the stool Use: Cathartic-fecal impaction Mineral oil
Use: Cathartic-Useful to prevent constipation in patients on medications such as opioids or antichloinergics Docusate Sodium (Colace) & Docusate Calcium (Surfak)
An agent that causes bowel evacuation Cathartic (laxative)
An inability to have a normal bowel evacuation without the stimulatory effect of a cathartic Cathartic habit
A controlled substance that is combined with atropine to decrease the potential for abuse Diphenoxylate 2.5mg with Atropine 25mg (Lomotil)
Related to the opioids however it is not habit forming Use-antidiarrheal Loperamide (Imodium)
And Antiemetic Anticholinergic that you can use as a patch Scopolamine (Transderm-Scop)
Antiemetic Antihistamines Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) Meclizine (Antivert)
Side effects: EPS including tardive dyskinesias and acute dystonic reactions Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Agents which prevent or alleviate nausea or vomiting Antiemetics
Antiemetics Prochloroperazine (Compazine) Promethazine (Phenergan) Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Drug class that are used for GERD, PUD, H. pylori infection Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) Pantoprazole (Protonix) Omeprazole (Prilosec) Lansoprazole (Prevacid) Esomeprazole (Nexium) Rabeprazole (Aciphex)
Omeprazole Prilosec
Pantoprazole Protonix
Rabeprazole Aciphex
Lansoprazole Prevacid
Esomeprazole Nexium
Drug class used for GERD, PUD H2 receptor antagonists
H2 receptor antagonists Famotideine (Pepcid) Ranitidine (Zantac) Nizatidine (Axid) Cimetidine (Tagamet)
Cimetidine Tagamet
GI Protectants Sucralfate (Carafate) Misoprostol (Cytotec)
Sucralfate Carafate
Misoprostol Cytotec
Drug used for malabsorption syndrome caused by pancreatic insufficiency Pancrelipase (Pancrease, Creon, Ultrase)
Used for Antiflatulent Simethicone(Mylicon)
Used for antacid-cathartic (osmotic) Avoid magnesium containing products if in renal failure Magnesium Hydroxide or Magnesium Oxide (Mild of Magnesia, MOM)
Used for antacid May also be used as a source of dietary calcium Calcium Carbonate (Florical) TUMs
Inflammation of the pancreas which can lead to excess production of pancreatic enzymes that digest pancreatic cells Pancreatitis
Yellow discoloration of the sclera of the ye and skin, darkened urine, light-colored stools, anorexia, malaise, and fatigue Jaundice
Inflammation of the liver Hepatitis
The passage of fluid or unformed stools caused by a vary from viral to bacterial infections, food poisoning, some antibiotics or intestinal disorders Diarrhea
Impaired absorption of nutrients from the small intestine Malabsorption
A craterlike lesion of the muscosal lining of the stomach or duodenum Peptic Ulcer
Chronic condition in which stomach acid moves back into the esophagus from the stomach. As the condition worsens or is not treated, erosions of the esophagus may occur Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Small pear-shaped sac that is about four inches in length, and one inch in breadth at its widest part and appears dark green because of its contents Gall Bladder
Part of the small intestine that secretes enzymes Duodenum
A large, J-shaped bag with strong muscles Stomach
Has a lid-like structure that covers the larynx when food is swallowed Epiglottis
The cornified epithelium or horny layer of skin Epidermis
Constitutes for over 90% of the epidermal cells present Keratinocytes
Pigment producing cells in the base layer of the epidermis Melanocytes
These are macrophages (large cells that engulf bacteria) Langerhan's Cells
Serve as antigen presenting cells Granstein Cells
Is made up of living cells with sebaceous glands, sebum secreted. Dermis
Is a loose, fat-containing layer of connective tissue Hypodermis/Subcutaneous
Produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight Vitamin Synthesis
Deep, broad, swollen, erythematous (red), and painful follicular masses Carbuncles
Superficial bacterial skin infection seen most commonly in BABIES AND CHILDREN. Impetigo
A penetrating injury to the skin or deeper tissues that often becomes infected-also know as bedsores or pressure sores Decubitis Ulcers
Domeboro, Burow's Solution Aluminum Acetate
Domeboro's drug class Astringents
Lindane Kwell
Kwell's drug class Antiparasitics
What is the 3 drug's for scabies and the drug class name? Antiparasitics Lindane - Kwell Permethrin - Nix 1%, Elimite 5%, RID Crotamiton - Eurax
Permethrin Nix 1%, Elimite 5%, RID
Crotamiton Eurax
Sebulex Shampoo 2% salicylic and 2% sulfur
What are considered the most common keratolytics? Sulfur and salicylic acid
Hydrocortisone/Hydrocortisone Acetate Cortaid Cortizone
Desonide DesOwen
Hydrocortison Valerate Westcort
Betamethasone Valerate Diprolene Luxiq
Kenalog Triamcinolone Acetonide
Temovate Olux Clobex Clobetasol
Mometasone Elocon
All topical anti-infectives are for: external use only
Mupirocin Bactroban
What drug is used for the eradication of nasal colonization with MRSA in adults? Mupriocin - Bactroban
Metronidazole Metrogel
Drug class for Mupirocin/Bactroban and Metronidazole/Metrogel Topical Anti-infectives
What drug is used for Rosacea? Metronidazole - Metrogel
Podofilox Condylox
Imiquimod Aldara
Capsaicin Capzasin Zostrix
What two drugs treat external genital warts? Podofilox - Condylox Imiquimod - Aldara
What drug treats pain from shingles Capsaicin - Capzasin, Zostrix
The oral treatment for acne Isotretinoin - Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis
Created by: lacythecoolest
Popular Pharmacology sets




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