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Java 1

Java Programming 1 Terminology

Assembly Language First language designed to make programming easier by being converted to machine code
Binary Numbers 1 and 0 which are what the computer uses to operate.
bit 1 or 0 or a single on/off switch
byte 8 bits
block A section of code marked off by use of {}
block comment A section of comments or lines not executed by the machine
bytecode Complied Java code to be run cross-platform by the JVM
bytecode verifier JVM check of the bytecode to insure that it does not cause network harm
cable modem A modem to connect to the internet that uses cable or coax cable to connect.
CPU Central processing unit
class loader Loaded when the JVM loads and puts bytecode into memory
comment lines or block in code that are not executed by the machine or compiler
dot pitch space between pixels on a screen.
DSL modem that uses phone line to connect to high speed internet.
hardware the physical components of a computer
hexadecimal numbers number system with a base 8 instead of 10
high-level language An english like language that a human can program in.
IDE Integrated Development Environment, a program you can code, debug and compile code in
javac command javac in command line will compile .java to .class or bytecode file
java command java in command line will execute a .class file
JDK Java Development ToolKit consists of seperate programs for developing and testing java programs.
JVM Java Virtual Machine, executes .class or byte code files.
keyword a reserved word by a programming language that is already in use for something specific.
line comment comment that is one line long and prevents execution of code on that line.
machine language 1 and 0's that the computer operates in.
.class compiled java bytecode for execution by the JVM
.java source code for a java program.
Main Method is a required part of any class as this is what the JVM invokes to operate the program.
modem device used to get internet connection from provider.
NIC Network Interface Card
Operating System Computers software that the system runs in, the user environment.
pixel picture elements
resolution the pixel to screen size ratio
software instruction that run the computer or abstractly run in the system to perform actions.
source code the english like version of code before compiled
source file file containing the source code to be compiled
specific import import statement that specifies the class you need from the API
storage device hardware in the computer for long term data storage
statement a section of code that operates to a result
wildcard import importing an entire API package without specifying the class desired.
accessor method get method that returns information about an object.
class uses variables to define data fields and methods to define behavior
constructor a special method designed to initalize data fields for an object.
data field encapsulation declaring a variable as private to prevent any other code modifying the contents of the data fields.
default constructor initializes all of the instance variables for an object with default values.
dot operator object.dataField or object.method()
instance a single use of the class to create an object with class specified information.
instance method method in a class or domain class program
instance variable variable in a domain class program
instantiation created an instance of an object by calling the domain class program
mutator method method that modifies data in an object
null base or placeholder value for a variable.
no-arg constructor default constructor when you are overloading a class to allow for multiple constructors
object-oriented programming programming using objects
Unified Modeling Language universal design language for oop
package-private by default the classes method and data fields are accessible by any class in the same package
private data encapsulation that prevents outside modification of data.
public public makes classes and methods and data accessible from any class.
reference type Classname determines type when declaring ref. variable type.
reference variable Classname referenceVariable = new Classname()
static method method that all instances of a class can access
static variable variable that all instances of a class share
Created by: rebirtharmitage
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