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speaker facilitator/enables a process to happen
word/language used will cause audience to connect or disconnect
language made up of symbols
plain talk be yourself
speaker center of transaction in conversation each participant has a role
what is an audience-centered speaker? one who tries to establish a meaningful connection with listeners
audience analysis collecting information about audience characteristics
audience recipients of the message
message purpose, adjusts, pre-planned, delivery is more formal
in conversation each peroson has a role
channel medium that carries the message from the sender to the recipient
delivery presentation
be specific details, visual, vivid
3 types of general purpose to inform persuade specical occasions special occasions
intrapersonal solo
noise anything that distorts the message physical physiological-heaaring impairment phychological-prejudices, mental interruptions and biased viewpoints semantics-a word used in different senses
communication a dynamic transaction between the speaker and the listener
enthnocentrism judging other cultures as inferior to one's own culture
ethics morals implication of message-our goals
obatrairy assigning names & meaning
metaphor/simile equates two unlike thins/makes a comparison between two things ordinarily dissimilary (example) "her hands were like ice cubes"
physical context physical/logistical context story of the location-physical setting of speech
speech context story surrounding the speech
temporal context timing/rhythm-when speech is given what time of day, date, year
socio-psychological context relation between speaker and his or her audience
cultural context society story @ time around the story-movie, arts, etc
3 minutes before giving speech a. intentionally relax your body b. take a sip of water to lubricate your vocal cords c. take 3 deep breaths
glossophobia fear of public speaking
use questions make great transitions a. to open speech b. middle of speech c. to close speech b. middle of speech c. to close speech
emotions not right or wrong, their just emotions
the most important thing is not to be the best public speaker most important thing is to be the best you
stage fright speaking excitement
present a speech as if you're having a conversation
when public speaking use props
types of listening a. appreciative listening-express enjoyment b. empathic listening-to provide support to the speaker. c. comprehensive listening to understand message d. critical listening-to evaluate message for purpose of accepting or rejecting message.
persuasive speech speech whose message attempts to change or reinforce an audience's thoughts, feelings, or actions
informative speech speech that communicates knowledge and understanding about a process, an event, a person or place, an object, or a concept
delivery action or manner of speaking to an audience
transition phrase that indicates a speaker is finished with one idea and is moving on to a new one
triagle-transition required between the introduction and the body, between the body and the conclusion, and between the major propositions in the body.
introduction establish speaker-audience-topic relationship orient the audience to the speech's direction
conclusion signal closure summarize motivate
prepare for speech delivery the outline is a blueprint for your speech
3 major types of appeal logical emotional credibility
perception is reality
perceived creditability competence character charisma
special occasions speeches part persuasive part informative
special occasion speec no topic choice-topic is the occasion
commencement follows a temporal pattern
good will speech positive feeling
listening process begins with mindfulness understand the message remember the message evaluate the message respond to the message
emotional (abraham maslow's hierarchy of needs physiological needs safety needs social needs-sense of belonging-love self-esteem self-actualization
selective exposure-persuasive speech anticipate-select degree of material to be exposed to. ask for resonable amount of change identify with the audience appeal to the audience through (logical-emotional-credibility) appeals
reasonalbe change foot in door-door in face
create wording for your speech gain attention establish a speaker-audience-topic orient the audience to the speech's direction
Created by: moodycat
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