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PhTech Vocab 6

BRC Module 7 Vocab O-P

Optometrist OD
greasy preparation, base is petroleum jelly, used to deliver medication to areas of the skin the need protection. Leaves an oily coating on skin. Ointment
Federal law that increases pharmacists' professional responsibilities by requiring them to keep records, to perform prespective drug utilization reviews (DUR), and to offer to counsel patients about the proper use of their medications. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OMBRA'90)
question eliciting a longer response often in the form of who, what, where, when and why questions. Open-ended Question
a network of pharmacies organized by a MCO (managed care organization) or PBM (pharmacy benefit manager) in which all community pharmacies are invited to sign participating pharmacy agreements. Open Panel
A sterile medication for the eye that may be in the form of drops or ointments. Opthalmic Preparation
a sudden decrease in BP upon standing, defined as a drop of 20 mmHg or more in systolic pressure or a drop of 10 mmHg or more in diastolic pressure. Puts the patient at risk for injury due to fainting. Orthostatic Hypotension
Medication for the ear that is usually supplied in dropper bottles. Otic Preparation
technique used in compounding in which products are compounded for more than the orginally-prescribed amount (e.g., 10% or more) to compensate for loss due to compounding. Overfill
medications considered to be safe to take or use without a prescription. These medications are typically stocked outside of the pharmacy department. OTC - Over-the-Counter
Physician Assistant (or Pathologists Assistant) PA
literally means outside of the GI tract. Although this word is used to describe any medication given by a route of administration other than oral or rectal, it is usually used to describe injectable medications. Parenteral
parenteral medication that contains just enough fluid volume to safely deliver the medication into a patient's vein. Parenteral (Small-Volume)
a parenteral medication that is used when the fluid itself is the treatment. Common ex) IV fluids used to prevent or treat dehydration. The most complicated type is TPN (total parenteral nutrition). Parenteral (Larve-Volume)
the contract between the pharmacy and the third-party payer that specifies program features such as the dispensing fee and the method of determining drug acquisition cost. Participating Pharmacy Agreement
a privilege granted to an inventor that allows exclusive or sole rights to market a product or device for a limited period (ex) 17 yrs from discovery) of time Patent
a device in which pain medication is delivered at a rate determined by the patient being treated. Built-in controls prevent the patient from overdosing. Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Device
the portion of a prescription expense which is paid out-of-pocket by the patient. The three most common forms of this are: deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. Patient Cost Sharing
patient record that is kept in the pharmacy department Patient Profile
medication, often in the form of shampoo, that kills lice Pediculicide
mixing instrument used to crush tablets and mix substances in a mortor Pestle
medications that have the same active ingredients, same dosage form, same route of administration, and same strenght Pharmaceutical Equivalence
an organization specializing in management of the prescription portion of a managed healthcare plan. They contract w/ participating pharmacies, process claims, control costs and manage elements of the pharm benefit including formularies and DUR PBM - Pharmacy Benefits Manager
The study of what drugs do to the body. Pharmacodynamics
The study of what the body does to drugs. Pharmacokinetics
the study of the medications including their composition, indications, adverse effects, and how they act in the body Pharmacology
throat Pharynx
computer technology linking pharmacies and third-party payers through telephone lines allowing eligibility verification, claims submission, claims adjudication, and utilization review at the time the prescriptions are dispensed Point-of-Sale (POS) System
measure of how acidic or basic a substance is. Blood ranks in at 7.4 pH (Power of Hydrogen)
information similar to warnings, but not as severe Precaution
group of hosptials, docs & pharmacists that contract w/ employers, insurance carriers, & 3rd-party administrators to provide medical services for negotiated fees. Patients given cost incentives to use network of 'preferred providers' for services. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
label that is affixed to the medication container that is given to the patient. these labels include patient-specific and medication-related information. Prescription Container Label
label that is affixed to the actual presciption order form. these labels are used to file and track prescriptions within the pharmacy department. Prescription Information Label
requirement that specific meds be covered only if approved by the 3rd-party payer. Usually prescribers or pharmacists must certify that the med is medically necessary and superior to less costly alternatives before approval is given to dispense it. Prior Authorization
person who assures compliance with HIPAA and all other federal and state rules and regulations pertaining to the use and release of PHI (personal health information). Privacy Officer
response to public concern over potential abuses of the privacy of health information that estabishes a category of health info, referred to as protected health info, which may be used or disclosed to others in certain circumstances/conditions. Privacy Rule
PRN is a latin abbreviation that means 'as needed'. PRN refills for prescription meds are usually allowed for a maximum of one year. PRN Refill
personal, identifiable information about individuals which is created or received by a health plan, provider or health care clearinghouse. Protected Health Information
the distance between you and the patient while communicating Proxemics (think your proximity to them)
painful swallowing Odynophagia
difficult swallowing Dysphagia
spitting up blood Hemoptysis
early stage of esphageal cancer Barrett's Esophagus
Created by: tmbstnphotos
Popular Pharmacology sets




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