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Art History 1400 Exa

Art History 1400 Exam 1

Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned, c. 1280-90 Byzantine tempera on wood, -byzantine influence, folds and 3d drapery, unshakable stability with angels, painted like a sculpture
Giotto, Lamentation, 1305-06 Proto-Renaissance landscape, emotional faces, tree of knowledge, leading lines, Jesus is focal point, fresco, transition from byzantine to renaissance.
Lorenzetti, Peaceful City, 1338-1340 Proto-Renaissance dancing maidens, Siena, Not as religious, first cityscape done in Europe since fall of Rome -shows safety of city and depth of perspective.
Ghiberti, Isaac and His Sons, 1425-42 Early Renaissance - continuous narrative -deep relief - he beat Brunelleschi in contest, baptistry of Florence Cathedral, building drama, progresses left to right.
Donatello, St. Mark, 1411-13 Early Renaissance, first truly renaissance sculpture, sense of psychology and emotion, terribleness in eyes, sculpted to be in Florence, made to fill a niche by a guild. sculpture sponsered by linen guild. Emphasis on thinking, learning and pondering.
Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi, 1423 International Gothic, favored by royal elite. -Med evil qualities, Northern art, vivid colors, details, emphasis on texture -artist shows off, Wealthy Patrons, stroci family. alter piece, large, covered in gold leaf,connections to northern renaissance.
Masaccio, Holy Trinity, 1424-27 Early Renaissance -fresco -20ft tall -Florance cathedral -geometric shapes -balance & harmony -alternating colors -linear perspective -catholic church (holy trinity) -saints are intermediaries -lenzi -figures make triangle (trinity solid) hierarchy of imp
Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1484-86 Early Renaissance, Medechi family was patrons, very prominent in Florance, Humanism -mythological subject venus. ideal love, ideal beauty, based on a sculpture, first large female nudity since Romans. linear and detailed style, tempera on canvas.
Brunelleschi, Dome of the Florence Cathedral, 1420-36 Early Renaissance, won competition for dome, -double shell dome -spans large space, egg shape kinda distributes weight downward, 20000 tons, ancient engineering technique, designed it and tech to build it plus blueprint.
Perugino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Peter, 1481-83 Early Renaissance in Vatican in Rome -shows peter getting keys -about authority -arches show Christianity triumphing -sharp and contrasty.
Da Vinci, Virgin of the Rocks, 1483 High Renaissance. Mary - John Baptist on right - Oil paint, transparent layers, more natural skin tones, sfumato gives a sense of softness melting into atmospheric perspective, he further developed chiaroscuro, jesus blesses john the baptist.
Da Vinci, Last Supper, 1495-98 High Renaissance, mathematics, symbols, lines leading to Christ, center of universe, one-God, three-trinity, four points, groups of three apostles, -tempera & oil in plaster was experimental & deteriorates, lots of detail
Raphael, Philosophy (OR School of Athens, either title is fine), 1509-11 High Renaissance painted in Pope's private quarters, nothing to do with religion, nothing to do with religion. -plato aristotle, looks to things of earth, Roman arches, design based painting, composition, line etc. humanism, classical rebirth, design.
Michelangelo, Moses, 1513-15 High Renaissance influenced by donatello, intensity in the face, tension, seated yet powerful, seated contraposto, 8 feet tall, holding ten commandments, patron was pope julius the second, intellectualizing process, deep message,
Giorgione (OR Titian, either is fine), Pastoral Symphony, 1510 Venetian High Renaissance Venetian art was more oil, more subtle tones and color range, better skin tones, more poetic art, texture and sense based qualities, subject were not purely religious, chiaroscuro
Titian, Madonna of the Pisaro Family, 1519-1526 Venetian High Renaissance playful size, interesting composition, Marry on side, was a thank offering from Bizzaro family, turks fighting, popes arms, Peter is in the center with key, authority symbol. st. francis was a monk, focused on color.
Pontormo, Entombment of Christ (OR Descent from the Cross, either is fine), 1525-28, Mannerism intuitive Christ kinda like byzantine, intentionally wierd, Christ on left.
Bologna, Abduction of the Sabine Women, 1583 Mannerism based on a story of rape, figures stacked, zigzag lines for motion, need to walk around it, cork screw, artificial, cylinder.
Limbourg Brothers, January, 1413-16 Early Northern Renaissance illuminated manuscripts, book of hours.
Van der Weyden, Deposition, 1435 Early Northern Renaissance disguised symbols, not classical, looks like international gothic from Italy, for wealthy patron.
Van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, 1434 Early Northern Renaissance color, texture, detail, skull death, bows arrows, archer's guild, emotional painting.mystery plays of the day religious symbols in middle, marriage ceremony, etc.
Durer, Four Apostles, 1526 Late Northern Renaissance symbols, lack of madonna and child, bible is sole authority, monumental figures are southern influence, oil on pen, 7 feet tall
Holbein, The French Ambassadors, 1533 Late Northern Renaissance french illusionistic, -holbein means skull, reminder of mortality, upper shelf is celestial, lower shelf is music, geo, etc -showing off ability as an artist.
Byzantine Art 330-1453 the Byzantine Empire • of an ornate artistic & architectural style Byzantine Empire & spread esp. to Italy & Russia. The art is generally rich & stylized & the architecture typified by many-domed, highly decorated churches."
Proto-Renaissance 1300-1400 Advanced use of space, foreground mid, back. More depth between & in figures, Better use of light, better composition, Use of figures in framing device. More Color range, Fresco painting. Some depth but not a lot of atmospheric perspective.
Early Renaissance 1400-1500 Linear perspective, orthogonal (lines receding to a vanishing point), precise, mathematical, classical perspective, continuous narrative, Deep relief,
Mannerism 1500- was different, bizzare colors, bizzare figures and anatomy, not much depth or perspective, chaotic,
Created by: cmdfufu
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