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WGU IMC4 Math terms

WGU Math Stack #71366

weight The measure of force of objects exerted by gravitational pull. Used on Earth with mass interchangeably.
Rectangle Perimeter P=2l+2w
area A measure of the interior of a planar (flat) figure.
volume A measure of the interior of a solid; the # of unit cubes necessary to fill the interior of such a solid.
perimeter The distance around a figure.
mass A quantity of matter, as opposed to weight which is a force exerted by gravitational pull.
skip counting Mathematic technique for teaching multiplication.
rote counting Counting by memory, but without understanding of actual concrete objects.
rounding identify place value, if # to the right is 5 or higher, round place value # up 1 and change all numers to the right of it to zeros. If # to the right is less than 5 than leave place value # alone and change all #s to right to zero.
prime numbers Divisible only by 1 and itself.
Rectangle Area A=lw
Triangle Perimeter P=a+b+c
Triangle Area A=1/2 bh
Circle Perimeter C=2πr
Circle Area A=πr²
Rectangular solid total surface area 2lw+2lh+2wh
Rectangular solid volume lwh
Right circular cylinder solid total surface area 2πr(h + r)
Right circular cylinder solid volume πr²h
Pythagorean Theorum In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. a²+b²=c²
Right angle always 90°
Sphere total surface area A=4πr²
Sphere volume 4/3πr²
obtuse angle measuring more than 90° and less than 180°
acute angle measuring less than 90°
theorem A statement that can be proved using definitions, postulates, and previously proven theorems.
straight angle 180°
supplementary angles two positive angles whose sum is 180°
transversal a line that intersects two or more lines in the same plane at different points.
trapezoid a quadrilateral with only two pair of opposite sides parallel.
tangent a line that lies in the same plane as a circle and intersects the circle in exactly one point.
corresponding angles angles that occur in the same relative position in each group of four angles created when a tranversal intersects two lines.
adjacent angles any two angles that share a common vertex and a common side that seperates them.
altitude of triangle the perpendicular line segment from the vertex to the side opposite.
angle bisector a ray that divides an angle into two equal angles.
circumference distance around a circle
collinear points points that lie on the same line
complementary angles two positive angles whose sum is 90°
congruent triangles triangles that have exactly the same size and shape
corresponding parts of triangles the parts of triangles that are in the sames relative positions.
cube a square right prism whose lateral edges are the same length as a side of the base.
cylinder prism like solid whose bases are circles.
decagon ten sided polygon
degree measure of an angle
equiangular triangle(polygon) triangle with all equal angles.
equilateral triangle(polygon) triangle with all sides equal in measure.
hexagon a six sided polygon
hypotenuse the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle.
isosceles triangle a triangle that has at least two sides that are congruent.
isosceles trapezoid trapezoid where two legs have equal measures.
legs of a right triangle the two sides other than the hypotenuse
legs of an isosceles triangle the two equal sides.
legs of a trapezoid the nonparallel sides
linear equation an equation whose graph is a straight line
octagon an eight sided polygon
parallel lines two lines that lie on the same plane and never intersect.
parallelogram any quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel.
pentagon a five sided polygon.
perimeter the distance around a figure.
perpendicular lines lines that intersect to form two right angles.
ploygon a closed planar figure with three or more sides, but not infinately many.
postulate a statement that is assumed to be true (without proof)
quadrants the four regions of the coordinate plane seperated by the x-axis and the y-axis.
ratio of two numbers a and b the fraction a/b usually expressed in simplest form. Also denoted a : b.
rhombus a quadrilateral with all four sides equal.
scalene triangle triangle in which all three sides have different lengths.
septagon a seven sided polygon
x-axis a horizontal line used to help locate points in a plane.
y-axis a vertical line used to help locate points in a plane.
x-coordinate the first term of an ordered pair.
x-intercept the point where a graph intercepts the x-axis.
triangle 3 sided polygon.
square a quadrilateral in which all the angles are right angles and all the sides are equal.
y- coordinate the second term of an ordered pair.
y-intercept the point where a graph intersects the y- axis.
quadrilateral four sided polygon
Order of operations parenthesis, exponents, multiplication & division (occuring left to right) addition & subtraction. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
The sum of a number and 4 x+4
the quotient of a number and 4 x/4
a number quadrupled 4x
the product of 4 and a number 4x
a number decreased by 4 x-4
four more than a number x+4
A number subtracted from 4 4-x
the sum of the interior angles of a triangle 180°
the numerical value when direction or sign is not considered. absolute value
associative property grouping of elements does not make any difference in the outcome. (only for multiplication and addition)
binominal an algebraic expression consisting of two terms.
canceling in multipication of fractions, dividing the same number into both a numerator and a denominator
cube root the number that when multplied by itself twice gives you the original number. Ex. 5 is the cube root of 125. also expressed ³√125=5
denominator everything below the fraction bar in a fraction
distributive property the process of distributing the number on the outside of the parenthesis to each number on the inside. a(b+c)=ab+ac
exponent a numeral used to indicate the power of a number.
factor to find two or more quantities whose product equals the original quantity.
integer a whole number, either positive, negative, or zero
monomial an algebraic expression consisting of only one term.
numerator everything above the fraction bar in a fraction.
polynomial an algebraic expression consiting of two or more terms.
ratio a method of comparing two or more numbers. a:b, a/b
repeating decimal a decimal fraction that continues forever repeating a number or block of numbers.
simplify to combine several or many terms into fewer terms.
square root the number that when multiplied by itself, gives you the original number. 5 is the square root of 25. √25=5.
improper fraction fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator. ex. 3/2
12 inches= one foot
3 feet= one yard
36 inches= one yard
100 centimeters= one meter
a kilometer is about .6 mile
1,000 kilograms= 1 metric ton
1,000 milliliters= one liter
kilo thousand
hecto hundred
deka ten
deci tenth
centi hundredth
milli thousandth
2cups= 1 pint
2pints= 1 quart
4 quarts= 1 gallon
16oz= 1 pound
365 days= 1 year
52 weeks= 1 year
10 years= decade
100 years= century
How do you find the measure of an exterior angle in a triangle? Add the measure of the two remote interior(non-adjacent angles) ex. interior angle a=43°, and interior angle b=86°so exterior angle d=129°
change a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator by the denominator and add necessary zeros. ex. 5/8=.625
what is a correct fraction expression of 0.16666? 1/6
How do you arrange decimals in sequence? add zeros to change each number to the ten-thousandths, then align decimals to compare
Change a decimal to a percent move the decimal point two places to the right. ex .55=55%
change percent to a decimal move the decimal point two places to the left ex. 250%=2.50=2.5
change fractions to percents change to a decimal then change decimal to a percent. ex. 1/2=.5=50%
change percents to fractions drop %, write over 100, reduce if necessary. ex. 13%=13/100
mean total the items and then divide by the number of items.
mode The set, class, or classes that appear most, or whose frequency is the greatest.
median in a set of numbers it is the middle numer if there is an odd number of items. For an even number of items find the mean of the middle two numbers.
Permutations If there are a number of choices to make and the choices are dependent upon order, then _____________ are involved.
Combinations If there are a number of successive choices to make and the choices are independent of each other (order not important), then the total number of possible choices are ___________.
probability formula P=number of favorable outcomes/number of possible outcomes
What is the probability that on two consecutive rolls of a die the numbers will be 5 and 6? 1/36
What is the probability of tossing tails four consecutive times with a two-sided fair coin? 1/16
What is the arithmetic mean, mode, and median of the following numbers : 3,5,4,3,4,4,6,7,2? 42/9, 4, and 4
What is the mean weight of seven men if five men weigh 160 pounds and two men 180 pounds? 165 5/7 pounds
range The difference between the largest and the smallest number in a set of numbers.
Created by: tifferdu
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