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All Present Verbs


Accompagner to accompany
Acheter to buy
Agir to act
Aider to help
Aimer to like, love
Aller to go
Annoncer to announce
Apporter to bring
Asseoir to sit
Attendre to wait (for)
Avancer to advance
Avoir to have
Battre to beat
Boire to drink
Bâtir to build
Changer to change
Chanter to sing
Choisir to choose
Commencer to begin
Conduire to drive
Connaître to be acquainted with
Corriger to correct
Courir to run
Coûter to cost
Craindre to fear
Croire to believe
Célébrer to celebrate
Danser to dance
Descendre to go (come) down
Devoire to have to
Dire to say
Diriger to direct
Dormir to sleep
Défendre to defend
Désobéir to disobey
Effacer to erase, efface
Employer to use
Endormir to put to sleep
Enlever to remove
Ennuyer to bore, bother
Entendre to hear
Envoyer to send
Espérer to hope
Essuyer to wipe
Faire to do
Fermer to close
Finir to finish
Geler to freeze
Guérir to cure
Interrompre to interrupt
Jouer to play
Lancer to throw
Laver to wash
Lire to read
Manger to eat
Marcher to walk, go
Menacer to threaten
Mener to lead
Mentire to lie
Mettre to put on
Montrer to show
Nager to swim
Neiger to snow
Nettoyer to clean
Nourir to feed
Obliger to oblige
Obéir to obey
Oublier to forget
Ouvrir to open
Partir to go away
Passer to pass
Penser to think
Perdre to lose
Peser to weigh
Placer to place, set
Plaire to please
Pouvoir to be able
Prendre to take
Promener to walk
Prononcer to pronounce
Préparer to prepare
Punir to punish
Raconter to relate, tell
Ranger to put away
Recevoir to receive
Remplacer to replace
Remplir to fill
Rendre to give back, return
Renoncer to give up
Renvoyer to fire
Rire to laugh
Rompre to break
Rougir to blush
Réfléchir to think, reflect
Répondre to answer
Répéter to repeat
Réussir to succeed
S'amuser to have a good time
S'appeler to be called
S'endormire to fall asleep
S'ennuyer to get bored
S'habiller to get dressed
Saisir to seize
Savoir to know
Se blesser to get hurt
Se brosser to brush oneself
Se coucher to lie dozn
Se dépêcher to hurry
Se fâcher to get angry
Se laver to wash oneself
Se lever to get up
Se porter to feel (of health)
Se promener to take a walk
Se reposer to rest
Se réveiller to wake up
Se tromper to be mistaken
Se trouver to be situated
Sentir to feel
Servir to serve
Songer to think (of)
Sortir to go out
Suivre to follow
Taire to not tell
Tenir to hold
Valoir to be worth
Vendre to sell
Venir to come
Vivre to live
Voir to see
Vouloir to want
Voyager to travel
Écouter to listen (to)
Écrire to write
Étudier to study
Être to be
Created by: 100000200865963
Popular French sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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