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Esperanto Prefixes
Esperanto Prefixes - Flashcards on the international language of Esperanto
Prefix | English | Examples |
dis- | having to do with seperation, in all possible directions | sendi = to send, dissendi = to broadcast; semi = to sow (seeds), dissemi = to scatter |
ek- | the beginning of the action described by the root | iri = to go, ekiri = to set out; vidi = to see, ekvidi = to catch sight of |
for- | away | iri = to go, foriri = to depart / leave; lasi = to leave, forlasi = to abandon |
mis- | wrongly, incorrectly, off the mark | kompreni = to understand, miskompreni = to misunderstand; jxeti = to throw, misjxeti = to throw wide of the mark |
re- | back to the beginning again | veni = to come, reveni = to return; vidi = to see, revidi = to see again; venki = to conquer, revenki = to reconquer |
retro- | in the opposite direction | iri = to go, retroiri = to go in the opposite direction; pasxi = to step, retropasxi = to step back |
cxef- | greatest or most important | urbo = city, cxefurbo = capitol; ministro = minister, cxefministro = Prime Minister |
vir- | male equivalent of (-in) | kato = cat, virkato = tomcat; blato = cockroach , virblato = buck cockroach |
cis- | on this side of | luno = moon, cisluna = cislunar, between the earth and moon; limo = border, cislima = on this side of the border |
bo- | related through marrige | patro = father, bopatro = father-in-law; kuzo = cousin, bokuzo = cousin-in-law |
eks- | former | regxo = king, eksregxo = former (abdicated) king; sovetio = Soviet Union, ekssovetio = former USSR |
ge- | both sexes taken together | patro = father, gepatroj = parents; sinjoro = Mr., gesinjoroj = Mr.& Mrs. |
mal- | turns a word into it's opposite | bela = beautiful, malbela = ugly; amiko = friend, malamiko = enemy |
pra- | distant in time or relationship | arbaro = forest, praarbaro = primeval forest; nepo = grandson, pranepo = great grandson |
pseuxdo- | false | scienco = science, pseuxdoscienco = pseudoscience; nomo = name, pseduxdonomo = pseudonym |
duon- | half | frato = brother, duonfrato = half-brother |
fi- | expressing indignation of disgust | virino = woman, fivirino = slut |
fusx- | screwed up | verki = to write, fusxverki = to make it come out all wrong |
ne- | creates the negative | bona = good, nebona = un/not good, malbona = bad |
vic- | second in rank, acting as regent for | regxo = king, vicregxo = viceroy; prezidento = president, vicrezidento = vice-president |