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Question | Answer |
Doscientos | Two Hundred |
Trescientos | Three Hundred |
Cuatrocientos | Four Hundred |
Quienientos | Five Hundred |
Seiscientos | Six Hundred |
Setecientos | Seven Hundred |
Ochocientos | Eight Hundred |
Novecientos | Nine Hundred |
Mil | One Million |
Cien(to) | One Hundred |
Uno | One |
Dos | Two |
Tres | three |
Cuarto | Four |
CInco | Five |
Seis | Six |
Siete | Seven |
Ocho | EIght |
Nueve | Nine |
Deiz | Ten |
Once | Eleven |
Doce | Twelve |
Trece | Thirteen |
Catorce | Fourteen |
Veinte | 20 |
Trienta | 30 |
Cuarenta | 40 |
Cincuenta | 50 |
Sesenta | 60 |
Serenta | 70 |
Ochenta | 80 |
Noventa | 90` |
Que? | Which? What? |
Quien? | Who? |
A Quien? | Whom? |
De quien? | Whose? |
Cual? | Which one? Which? What? |
Cuando? | When? |
Cuanto? | How much? |
Cuantos? | How many? |
Como? | How? |
Donde? | Where? |
Por Que? | Why? |
El Verno | Summer |
Hace buen tiempo | Good weather |
Esta despejado | Its Clear |
Hace colar | Its hot |
Have sol | Its sunny |
El inverno | Winter |
Hace frio | Its cold |
La primavero | Spring |
Esta nublado | Its raining |
El otono | fall |
Have viento | Its windy |
Esta nevado | Its snowing |
truena | thunder |
Esta nublado | its cloudy |
Hace fresco | Its cold |
niebla | foggy |
Esta lloviendo | its raining |