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lecture 13 mumby

aim of antianginal tx either to inc O2 supply by inc/redistributing coronary blood flow or reduce O2 demand by lowering HR, contractility or wall tension
beta blocker effects in context of angina reduce O2 deman by dec HR, contractility and wall tension; may inc O2 supply by allow subendocardium to get more blood b/c diastole is lengthened
when not to use beta blockers asthmatic pts, acute heart failure, variant angina, SA or AV node dz
therapeutic uses of beta blockers in stable or unstable angina, espcially post-MI period; may be used in combo with nitrate and Ca++ channel blockers
verapamil and diltiazem arterial SM cell vasodilators (less potent than the DHPs), modest dec in contractility. dilt = dec conduction through AV node and dec automaticity of SA node = neg inotropy
nifedipine and DHP drugs all drugs ending in -pine, increase O2 supply - very potent vasodilators that can cause reflex tachy and inc contractility, reduce O2 demand (less LV afterload)
mechanism of Ca++ channel blockers bind L-type channels in SM cells to reduce entry. diltiazem and verapamil bind domains that make for slow recovery and cause direct (-) chronotropic and inotropic effects
nitrates work by inc intracellular NO = uptake of SR Ca++ and relaxation/dilation of peripheral venules (some arterial) = dec LV preload with mild reflex tachy. @ high doses, can dilate epicardial vessels to lessen effects of stenosis
NTG short duration of action (20-30 min), SL, IV and oral preps work rapidly, topical work more slowly
isosorbide dinitrate SL and oral tabs works longer than regular NTG, sustained antianginal/hemodynamic effects. half-life 45 min
adverse effects of nitrates H/A from menigeal vessel dilation, vertigo, dizziness, flushing, postural HTN
nitrate tolerance for unk reason body develops tolerance to nitrates over time. recommended 8-12 hr nitrate-free interval each day
cross-interaction with PDE5 inhibitors PDE-5 breaks down cGMP, blockers prolong effects of NO. when used with nitrates can precipitate dangerous hypotensive episode, retinal disturbances exacerbated
Created by: sirprakes
Popular Pharmacology sets




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