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Theatre Vocab1

Theater Class Vocabulary

Blocking director's arrangement of the actors' postitions and movements on the stagewith respect to one another and to the stage space 1. to tell a story 2. to develop characterization 3. to set mood/atmosphere
Stage Right actors' right as he stands facing the audience
Stage Left actors' left and he stands facing towards the audience
Downstage toward the audience
Upstage away from the audience
Below toward the audience, or downstage OF an object/actor
Above away from the audience, or upstage OF an object or actor
In toward the center of the stage
Out away from the center of the stage
Onstage the part of the stage enclosed by the setting that is visible to the audience
Offstage all parts of the stage NOT enclosed by the setting
Wings offstage spaces to the right and left of the acting area
Backstage entire offstage portion of the theatre building which would include the wings, the dressing rooms, green room, scene shop, etc.
House the auditorium where the audience sits
Scene Shop place where scenery is constructed
Green Room lounge for the actors while they wait to go onstage
Specific Stage Areas in order that a director may designate an actor's position onstage precisely, the acting portion of the stage is divided into 15 areas
Open a body position in which the actor is facing toward the audience, or nearly so. 1. Play shared scenes in quater position 2. Make turns downstage 3. Do not cover yourself or other actors while making gestures or passing objects. 4. Kneel on downstage
Closed a closed position is one in which the actor is turned away from the audience
Enter to come onstage in view of the audience
Exit to go offstage out of sight from the audience
Cross movement from one stage area to another; use X to abbreviate cross in your script
Share when the 2 actors are both open to an equal degree, allowing the audience to see them equally well
Give/Take when 2 actors are not equally open, and one recieves greater emphasis than the other, the actor emphasized is said to TAKE the scene. The other is said to GIVE the scene.
Upstaging One actor upstages another when he takes a position that forces the second actor to face upstage, or away from the audience. To avoid upstaging, another actor, you should take positions on the exact same level of the actor with whom you are playing.
Countercross small movement in the opposite direction in adjustment to the cross of another actor. The director usually says "counter right" or "counter left"
Curved Cross In crossing to a perosn or object above or below you, it is necessary to cross in a curve so that you do not arrive either upstage or downstage of the person or object.
Cover 1. The responsibility downstage actor; do not stand in front another actor 2. If another actor does'nt stand below, make small adjusting movement 3. moving actor should recieve attention crosses below actors you arent covered
Given Circumstances information about the world of the play that is given by the playwrite. WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN
Objective the goal, want, or desire of the character for each moment s/he is on stage. The phrase "I WANT" followed by an active verb (ex. I WANT TO CALM HER DOWN)
Obstacle those things that stand in the way of achieving your objective
Created by: bubblythinking
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