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PhTech Vocab 7

BRC Module 8 Vocab Q-S

muscle in the eye, controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, that adjusts for near and far vision. Radial Muscle
a life-threatening situation in which medications that normally lower blood pressure are suddenly stopped, instead of tapering, resulting in severely elevated blood pressure. Rebound Hypertension
medication that requires the addition of DI water or another diluent prior to dispensing and administering. Because of their short shelf lives, these medications are usually reconstituted before they are dispensed. Reconstitutable
a device that is used to accurately measure distilled water to be added to a medication Reconstituting Tube
see orthostatic hypotension - sudden drop in blood pressure upon sitting up or standing, to get blood pressure back up the heart speeds up - this is called? Reflex Tachycardia
the minimum number of units of a particular type of merchandise that a retailer intends to keep on hand. when inventory falls to this point, it is reordered. Reorder Point
the number of units that must be ordered in order to replenish the inventory to its maximum allowable level Reorder Quantity
a form provided by the manufacturer or wholesaler which must be completed by the pharmacy to return unused product for credit Returned Goods Authorization Form
company that accepts unused or expired medications Reverse Distributor
rare disorder in children potentiated by using aspirin, especially during a fever Reye's Syndrome
characteristics that make a person more prone to a disease or condition Risk Factor
a method of stocking shelves in which new bottles are put at the back of the shelf and older bottles are pulled forward to help ensure that older bottles are sold first before they expire Rotating Stock
the general administration of a medication (e.g. capsules, taken by mouth, insulin by injection, or topically applied cream) Route (of Administration)
classification of controlled substances which includes drugs having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in the US, and are unsafe for use under medical supervision. not found in pharm depts. ex) LSD, Heroin Schedule I (C-I)
class of controlled meds that includes meds that have a currently accepted medical use in the US and a high potential for abuse and physical/psychological dependance. ex) morphine (narcotic) methamphetamine (stimulant), secobarbital (depressant) Schedule II (C-II)
class of controlled meds including meds that have an abuse potential less than those of C-I and C-II. Abuse leads to moderate to low physical or high psychological dependance. ex) APAP/Codeine #3, certain stimulants or depressants Schedule III (C-III)
class of controlled substances which includes meds that have less potential for abuse than C-I,II or III meds. abuse of these meds may lead to only a limited physical or psychological dependance. ex) phenobarbital, Valium, Xanax Schedule IV (C-IV)
class of controlled meds including meds having limited potential for abuse and dependance. usually contain limited quantities of narcotic meds plus non-narcotic active ingredients (cough suppressants/anti-diarrheals). ex)Lomotil, Novahistine Expectorant Schedule V (C-V)
a type of registry which patients in some states must sign to document that they have received a Schedule V medication over-the-counter Schedule V Sales Record Log
the restrictions to which a healthcare professional must prescribe. Dentists prescribe meds for tooth aches, vets prescribe meds for pets and chiropractors may not prescribe controlled substances. Scope of Practice
condition characterized by confusion, agitation, hyperthermia, tachycardia, and muscle abnormalities Serotonergic Syndrome
the period during which, properly stored, unopened packages of medication can be sold because their potency is still expected to be intact. Shelf-Life
Latin abbreviation that means "you write", which is the prescriber's instruction to put the indicated directions on the prescription label. Sig
progress reports on patients including complaints, labs, and assessment and plan of current diseases and conditions. SOAP Notes
the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solute such as water or alcohol Solubility
a substance dissolved by a solvent such as water or alcohol Solute
preparation in which the solid ingredients of medications are dissolved in a liquid (usually water) Solution
a substance, such as water or alcohol, used to dissolve a substance Solvent
the shelf located in the dispensing area that holds the most commonly prescribed medications Speed Shelf
an alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solution. They contain a high percentage of alcohol, so they require storage in tight containers to prevent rapid evaporation. Spirit or Essence
unidirectional classification of a patient's current condition Stage
bidirectional classification of a patient's current condition Status
free of bacteria or germs that can cause infections Sterile
the original container of a drug product supplied by a manufacturer Stock Bottle
the concentration of a medication often listed on prescription bottles and vials Strength
injections consisting of very small volumes of fluid (usually less than 1 or 2 ml) given just below the skin using a fine, short needle. ex) insulin and allergy shots Subcutaneous Injections (SubQ, SQ or SC)
tablet that dissolves rapidly when placed under the tongue and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream Sublingual Tablet
a dosage form that is usually manufacturered in cylindrical, egg or pear shapes. some are designed for insertion into the rectum, others for the vagina. Suppositories
a preparation in which medication particles are suspended in liquid - the med is not dissolved. To help the med stay uniformly suspended, an agent is added to make the preparation thick. Shake before use. Suspension
a physical property of a liquid which causes it to cling to the sides of a container and results in the surface of the liquid to appear higher on the sides than in the middle. Surface Tension
a composite of signs and symptoms Syndrome
an interaction in which two medications potentiate each other resulting in a more profound effect than when each medication is given separately. Synergism
concentrated solution of sugar in water Syrup
Created by: tmbstnphotos
Popular Pharmacology sets




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