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ch..2 terms
30 key terms
Question | Answer |
the shape of the land determined by elevation, relief, and landforms | topography |
the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area | relief |
a landform with high elevation and high relief | mountain |
a landform that has high elevation and a more or less level surface | plateau |
height above sea level | elevation |
a feature or topography formed by the process that shape Earth's surface | landform |
a landform made up of flat or gently rolling land with low relief | plain |
a series of mountains that have the same general shape and structure | mountain range |
a large area of land where the topography is similar | landform region |
a flat model of all or part of Earth's surface as seen from above | map |
on a map pictures used by mapmakers to stand for features on Earth's surface | symbol |
an imaginary line that circles Earth half way between the north and south poles | equator |
the line that makes a half circlefrom the north pole to the south pole and that passes through Greenwich England | prime meridian |
the ditance in degrees east or west of the prime meridain | longitude |
a sphere that repersents Earth's entire surface | globe |
a list of the symbols used on a map | key |
one half of the sphere that makes up Earth's surface | hemisphere |
a framework of line that helps to show landmasses on a flat surface | map projection |
used to compare distance on a map or globe to distance on Earth's suface | scale |
a unit used to measure distances around a circle, one degree equals 1/360 of a full circle | degree |
the distance in degrees north or south of the equator | latitude |
the process of gathering data for a map by using instruments and the principles of geometry to determine distance and elevations | surveying |
pictures of the land surface based on computer data collected from satellites | stellite images |
a method of finding latitude and logitude using a network of staellites | *Global Positioning System |
converting information to numbers for use by a computer | digitizing |
the tiny dots in a satellite image | pixels |
a map that shows the surface features of an area | topography map |
the difference in elevation from one contour line to the next | contour interval |
a line on a topographic map that connects points of equal elevation | contour line |
on a topographic map a heavier contour line that is labeled with elevation of that contour line in round units | index contour |