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lecture 23a mumby

thiazide drugs: examples, site of action, relative strength HCTZ, metolazone // DCT //mild-mod strength
mechanism of action of thiazide drugs inhibit NaCl symporter on luminal side causing NaCl and water to stay in lumen. also cause modest dec in Ca excretion
adverse effects of thiazide drugs nl doses: volume depletion, hypotension, hyponatremia and hypokalemia (they deliver Na distally to CT and ducts) // high doses: inc LDL and hyperglycemia
drugs secreted into tubular lumen by organic acid transporter in PCT, thus cross-rxn possible with probenecid thiazides, loop diuretics
OJO! statement about therapeutic use thaizides are ineffective for pts with GFR < 30-40 mL/min
loop drugs: examples, site of action, relative strength furosemide, torsemide // LOH's TAL // strongest class of diuretics
mechanism of action of loop drugs inhibit the Na/K/2Cl symporter, reducig lumen positive potential and inhibiting Ca and Mg reabsorption
pharmacological effects of loop drugs increase excretion of Na, Cl, K, H, Ca and Mg; activate macula densa cells that think sodium is low and cause them to release renin - possible reflex sympathetic response due to vol depletion
main therapeutic use of loop diuretics mainly for acute pulmonary edema, chronic CHF, can be used for HTN but it's not first choice
adverse effects of loop diurectics obvi ones due to lyte wasting: hypokalemia, hypotension, hyponatremia, hyperuricemia, etc. other: ototoxicity, tinnitus and reversible deafness. avoid in osteopenic women
K-sparing drugs: exmaples, site of action, relative strength traimterene & amiloride // principal cels of late distal tubule and CCD // relatively poor diuretics
mechanism of action of K-sparing drugs inhibit Na channels in luminal side that usually drive movement of K to BL and luminal sides. without Na moving across cell, potentials are disrupted and Ca/Mg/K aren't secreted into lumen
aldosterone antagonists spironolactone - bind MR and stop aldosterone from exerting effect within cell = no K wasting but diuretic and natriuretic (mild)
adverse effects of aldosterone antagonists they can cause dangerous hyperkalemia; since they bind MR, they can also bind PR and AR causing gynecomastia, importence, dec libido, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities
Created by: sirprakes
Popular Pharmacology sets




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