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A type of rock made from sediments that have been glued together.
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A type of rock that has been formed from cooling magma or lava
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Soil and Rock Unit

Soil and rocks key terms & study info

A type of rock made from sediments that have been glued together. Sedimentary
A type of rock that has been formed from cooling magma or lava Igneous
A rock formed when another rock is changed by heat and pressure deep under Earth's surface. Metamorphic
The practice of planting different crops each year Crop Rotation
The upper layer of soil rich in nutrients and organic material Topsoil
The largest particle size in soil Sand
The process when sediment is carried away Erosion
The process when sediment settles in a new place Deposition
The property of soil that allows water to flow easily through it Permeable
The process when sediment is glued together when minerals crystalize Cementation
Plowing only when necessary so that soil stays in place Conservation Plowing
What are the 4 stages that form sedimentary rock Erosion, Deposition, Compaction, & Cementation
What is the process in which rocks can be changed to become other types of rocks The Rock Cycle
What are rocks made of? They are a combination of different minerals and other sediments
What are the three major characteristics of sedimentary rocks layers, fossils, & visible sediments
The physical or chemical breakdown of rocks into smaller sized pieces Weathering
The area in the plains states that experienced 10 years of drought, wind, & soil erosion in the 1930's Dust Bowl
The layers of soil that differ in color and texture from the layers above or below it Soil Horizons
A soil conservation method farmers use to plow fields along the curves of a sloap or hillsides Contour Plowing
Why is it important for farmers to practice soil conservation methods? All living things depend on soil, there is a limited supply of good soil, and it takes a long time for soil to form.
A mixture of weathered rock particles, mixed with air, water, & organic material. Soil
The parent rock in which all soil comes from Bedrock
How does B horizon form? Particles are washed down from the A-Horizon
When rocks are dissolved or the composition is changed Chemical Weathering
The process when rock is physically broken down into smaller pieces Mechanical Weathering
Soil with very small particles that retain/hold onto water Clay
a chemical reaction in which oxygen combines with another substance; for example, when metal rusts Oxidation
a type of mechanical weathering caused by the scraping and scratching of rocks by loose particles that are transported over the rocks by wind, water, glaciers, etc. Abrasion
a type of mechanical weathering in which water gets into cracks or joints in a rock, then freezes and expands, pushing the rock apart Ice Wedging
Created by: 6thGradeScience
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