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Points III Midterm

Review of All Study Guides Through Week 7

Xi Cleft for Yang Wei and Xi Cleft for GB are both 7 cun above lateral malleolus (one in front of fibula, one behind it). Which one is the Xi Cleft for Yang Wei? GB35
GB2 is below SI19
GB3 is below ST7
What two points are on opposite sides of the canthus? UB1, GB1
What point is located at free end of 12th rib? GB25
UB36 is a gluteal crease. UB37 is 6 below it. UB38 is 1 cun above UB39. What is distance, then, from UB36 to UB 40? 14 cun. (Distance from gluteal fold to popliteal crease is 14 cun.)
Distance from upper border of pubic symphysis to MEDIAL condyle of femur? 18 cun
Distance from Greater Trochanter to popliteal crease? 19 cun
Where is the Lower He Sea of the San Jiao? UB39
Distance between UB36 and UB37? 6 cun
ST31-ST34 are all located between what two land marks? ASIS and the latero-superior border of the patella
How far above the lateral superior border of the patella is ST34? 2 cun
How far above the lateral superior border of the patella is ST33? 3 cun
How far above the lateral superior border of the patella is ST32? 6 cun
GB30 is located between what two landmarks? Hiatus of the sacrum and the GT of the femur
What is the point location for GB30? At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the prominence of the GT and the hiatus of the sacrum
How many cun ABOVE the popliteal crease is GB31? 7 cun
How many cun ABOVE the lateral superior border of the patella is ST32? 6 cun
How many cun ABOVE SP10 is SP11? 6 cun
The Ren channel is called the Sea of Yin
True or False: the Ren, Du and Chong channels all begin in the same place. True?
True or False: The Ren channel connects with ST1 True
Distance from pubic bone to umbilicus 5 cun
Distance from sternocostal angle to umbilicus 8 cun
Distance from Ren 4 to Ren 6 1.5 cun
Front Mu of SJ Ren 5
Front Mu of SI Ren 4
Front Mu of UB Ren 3
Front Mu of PC Ren 17
Front Mu of ST Ren 12
Front Mu of HT Ren 14
How many Front Mu points on Ren channel? 6
How many of Front Mu points on Ren channel are Yin organs? 1
How many of Front Mu points on Ren channel are Yang organs? 5
How many Front Mu points on Ren channel are above umbilicus? 3
How many Front Mu points on Ren channel are below the umbilicus? 3
Distance from Ren 6 to umbilicus 1.5 cun
Distance from Ren 6 to public bone 3.5 cun
What point other than Ren 8 is never needled? ST17
IP of Qi Ren 17
IP of Fu Ren 12
Luo of Ren Ren 15
Confluent Point for Ren Lu7
Confluent Point for Du SI3
Which three points on Ren channel are used for general tonification? Ren 4, Ren 6, Ren 17
Ren 17 Regulates qi and downbears counterflow; loosens the chest and disinhibits the diaphragm
Ren 22 Diffuses the lung and transforms phlegm; disinhibits the pharynx and restores the voice
Ren 3 Disinhibits the bladder; rectifies the lower burner
Ren 4 Warms and regulates the blood chamber and palace of essence; supplements qi and returns yang
Ren 12 Harmonizes the stomach and downbears counterflow; fortigies the spleen and "disinhibits dampness"
Ren 6 Regulates qi and boost the ORIGIN; banks the Kidney and supplements vacuity
Ren 8 Warms and frees ORIGINAL Yang; moves gastrointestinal qi
Ren 4 Quan Yuan (Gate of Origin)
Ren 6 Qi Hai (Sea of Qi)
Which extra point is located 3 cun lateral to Ren 3? Zi Gong Xu
(What point is located 2 cun lateral to Ren 2?) ST30
(What point is located 3.5 cun lateral to Ren 2?) SP12
Which extra point is located between Ren 23 and Ren 24? Shang Lian Quan
True or False: The Ren channel connects with Du28 True
True or False: The Ren channel connects with ST1 True
SP14 is ____ cun below SP15 1.3
SP13 is ____ cun below SP15 5.3
Distance between ST30 and SP12 1.5 cun
What are the two Spleen points, below Ren 12, level with Ren points? SP16 (@ Ren 11) and SP15 (@ Ren 8)
What point is 6 cun lateral to midline in 1st ICS? LU1
What point is 6 cun lateral to midline in 2nd ICS? SP20
What point is 6 cun lateral to midline in 3rd ICS? SP19
What point is 6 cun lateral to midline in 4th ICS? SP18
What point is 6 cun lateral to midline in 5th ICS? SP17
What are the SEVEN points in the 4th ICS? ST17, Ren 17, SP18, K23, PC1, GB22, GB23
What point is in the 6th ICS? LR14
What point is in the 7th ICS? GB24
Where are the last KD, ST and SP points before they jump up to chest (5th ICS)? KD and ST are @ Ren 14. SP is at Ren 11.
WHAT are the last KD, ST and SP points before they jump up to chest (5th ICS)? KD21, ST19 (both @ Ren 14). SP16 (@ Ren 11)
What FOUR points are in the 5th ICS? Ren 16, ST18, SP17, K22
What Ren point is named Yin Crossing (Yin Jiao)? Ren 7
What Ren point is named Mind Palace (Shen Que)? Ren 8!!
What Ren point is named Middle Venter (Zhong Wan)? Ren 12
What Ren point is named Great Palace (Ju Que)? Ren 14
What Ren point is called Dove Tail (Jiu Wei Ren)? Ren 15
What Ren point is named Middle of the Platform (Tan Zhong)? Ren 17
What Ren point is called Heavenly Projection (Tian Tu)? Ren 22
What Du point is called Ming Men (Gate of Life)? Du4
What Du point is called Yao Shu (Lumbar Shu)? Du2
What Du point is called Lumbar Yang Pass (Yao Yan Guan)? Du3
What Du point is called Spirit Path (Shen Dao)? Du11
What Du point is called Big Vertebra (Da Zhui)? Du14
What Du point is called Mute Gate (Ya Men)? Du15
What Du point is called Wind Mansion (Feng Fu)? Du16
What Du point is called Brain Door (Nao Hu)? Du 17
What Du point is called One Hundred Meeting Points (Bai Hui)? Du 20
What Du point is called Upper Star (Shang Xing)? Du23
What Du point is called Spirit Court (Shen Ting)? Du24
What Du point is called Water Trough (Ren Zhong)? Du 26
What channel, other than LR, goes to the eyes? HT
Which two channels go to the tongue? KD, SP
Which 6 channels have exit points that are points other than last point on channel? ST42, GB41, SJ22, PC8, KD22, LU7
Which divergent channels go to the Heart? Spleen, ??
Where does the Heart TM channel end? umbilicus
Where does Luo of Heart go? Back to Heart! (and then to tongue & eyes)
How many Jing Rivers are 5? Four: SI5, LI5, PC5, SP5
How many Jing Rivers are 4? Two: LR4, HT4
Which Jing Rivers are 6, 7 and 8? SJ6, KD7, LU8
What is Jing RIver of ST? 41
What is Jing River of UB? 60
What is Jing River of GB? 38
How many horary points are 8? What are they? LU, HT, PC
How many horary points are 1? What are they? LR1, LI1
What are the horary points that are 5 and 6? SJ6, SI5
KD horary 10
UB horary 66
GB horary 41
ST horary 36
SP horary 3
Location for FM of SP Free end of the 11th rib
Location for FM of LR 6th ICS, 4 cun lateral to ML
Location for FM of GB 7th ICS, directly below the nipple (one rib below LR14")
Location for FM of KD Free end of 12th rib, on lateral side of abdomen
What point is located 4 cun lateral to ML in the 5th ICS? ST18
Four points located in 4th ICS: Ren 17, ST17, SP18, K23 (PC1, GB22, GB23)
FIVE points level with umbilicus: Ren 8, K16, ST25, SP15, GB26 (!!)
Four points level with upper border of the symphasis pubis? Ren 2, ST30, SP12, K11
What point on the GB channel is the 3 Arm Yin Muscle Meeting Point? GB22
What point on the GB channel is Influential Point for Marrow? GB39
Distance from Ren 2 to SP12? 3.5 cun
Distance from K11 to SP12? 3.0 cun
Cubit Marsh LU5 (Chi Ze)
Crooked Pond LI11(Qu Chi)
Leg Three Mile ST36 (Zu San Li)
Yin Mound Spring SP9 (Yin Ling Quan)
Yang Mound Spring GB41 (Yang Ling Quan)
Lesser Sea HT3 (Shao Hai)
Small Sea SI8 (Xiao Hai)
Bend Middle UB40 (Wei Zhong)
Yin Valley K10 (Yin Gu)
Crooked Marsh P3 (Qu Ze)
Celestial Well SJ10 (Tian Jing)
Crooked Spring LR8 (Qu Quan)
Which Luo point: Downbears counterflow and stops vomit PC6
Which Luo point: Regulates the LR and brightens the eyes GB37
Which Luo point: Dispels Tai Yang channel pathogens UB58
Which Luo point: Courses wind and resolves the exterior SJ5
Which Luo point: Supplements essence spirit K4
Which Luo point: Clears the spirit ming SI8
Which Luo point: Dispels cold and diffuses the lung LU7
Supports the SP/ST and rectifies qi SP4
Disinhibits damp heat LR5
Regulates the waterways LI6 (facial edema)
Transforms damp phlegm ST40
Guest/Host combo for: Wind Cold attack LI4, LU7
Guest/Host combo for: Wind Cold attack that disrupts function of lung causing facial edema LU9, LI6
Guest/Host combo for: Phlegm accumulation SP3, ST40
Guest/Host combo for: Shen disturbance HT7, SI7 (?)
Guest/Host combo for: LYR causing HA and red eyes LR3, GB37
What is the name of LR3? Tai Chong (Great Surge)
What is the name of LR2? Moving Between (Xing Jian)
What is the location of LR11? 2 cun directly below ST30
What is the name of LR11? Yin Corner (Yin Lian)
What LR point is named Urgen Pulse (Ji Mai) because it is so close to pulsing femoral artery? LR12
What LR point is called Gate of Hope (Qi Men)? LR14
What LR point is 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, between m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius? LR9
What LR point is "3 cun directly below ST30," on the lateral border of m. abductor longus? LR10
What LR point is "2 cun directly below ST30," at the proximal end of the thigh, below the pubic tubercle and on the border of m. abductor longus? LR11
What LR point is "lateral and inferior to ST30?" LR12
Created by: mrbarr
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