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system agents

-- act as the level of the arteriolar smooth muscule to relax it resulting in dilation of the arteriole vasodilators
--- useful in congestive heart failure, angina, and hypertensin vasodilators
vendolaters nitates
VENODILATORS ACT AT the level of the --- to relax venous smooth muscle vein
venodilators led to increased--------- cardiac efficancy, increased oxygen delivery to tissues, pooling of blood in the lowerextremites
vendolators are not useful in the therepy of hypertensin
vendolitaors adverse effects postural hypotensin, headache, nausea, fainting, palpitaations
examples of venodilators nitrostat, imdur
nitrogylerciern: very-- onset, -- acting, -----, packages in ---- bc very ----- nitrostat, rapid, short, not for amintance, glass, highy reactive
isosorbide mononitrate: less---- and longer--- than nitroglyercien imdur, first pass, duration
obtained from the gigaitals plant and exert powerful action on the heart cardiac glycosides
increase the muscles contraction and imporve irregular heartbeats cardiac glycosides
ised for CHF and some arrhythmias cardiac glycosides
cardiac glycosides side effecrs fatigue, drowiness, cofusion, yello/green helo, nausea
narrow window between therapeutic dose and toxic dose cardiac glycosides
cardiac glycosides --- levels must be monitored closely potassium
example of cardiac glycoside lanoxin
digoxin is a ---- agaent lanoxin, antiarrythmaic
the antihypertensive action of diurects is though increased urinary excreation of na, cl, k, H2O Diuretics
4 typees of diuects thiazide, loop, corbonic anydrase, potassium sparing
diuetics: aldactone, lasix, hydroDIURIL, Dyazide'maxzide
spironolactone aldactone
furosemide lasix
hyddrocholorthiazide hydroDIUREL
triamterene & hydroclororthiazide Dyazide/ Maxzide
what is choloestoral? soft waxy substance found among the lipids in the bloodstream and inall your bodys cells
why is choloesoral important part of a healthy body? its used to form cell membranes, some harmoes and is needed for other functions
a high level of choloestoral in the blood-- hypercholsterolemia is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, leades to heart attack
cholosetoral types: hdl, ldl, vldl
good choloeterol, elevated numbers are better hdl
bad cholerterol and lower numbers are better ldl
bad cholesterol elevated levels are associated withan increased risk of cornarny artery diease vldl
hard to measue so its taken as % of triglyceride levels vldl
drugs the interfere eith triglyceride synthesis (fibreates); lipoprotien lipase
enzyme that breaks down vldl lipoprotien lipase
fibrates increase----- and this results in more ------decrease vldl levels lipoprotien lipase, more vldl being broken down
choloestoral lowering drug effects ; interations anemia, mytosis; antcoaglants and statins
rate controlling enzyme of the metabolic pathway the produces cholesterol hmg coa reductase
inhibitors of hmg coa reductase aka statins
hmg coa reductase contiindicted in grapefruit juice and anticoaglants
closteral lowering drugs: lescol, fosamax, pravachol, zocor
fluvasstsin lescol
aldendronatic fosamax
pravasatin pravahol
simvastatin zocor
substance that prevents coaglation; it stops blood form clotting anticoaglants
heparin IV administaration only
anticoaglant: coumadin
wafarin sodium: food interactions eith food containing -- and ---- can amplify the effectsof warfain and used widely as --- for mamailian pests and rodents coumadian, vitamin k, antibiotics, poisins
decrease platlet aggragation therefore derease clotting antithrombotic
asprin when takenaat -- doses notat therepeutic doses for pain low
break up formed clots thrombolic drugs
$$$> 1,000 per dose,IV admisnstration, life threatening situations only thrombolic drugs
drugs that modify the cardiovascular system: a and b blockers, calcium channel blockers, acs inhibitors and arbs, vasodilators, vendolators, inotropic agents, diyretics
drugs that affect the ans: beta and alpha receptor blockers, alpha and beta receptor agonists, and muscarinic receptor agonists and antaagonists
increase heart rate and force the contration of the heart muscle B1
decrease the heart rate and cardiac output (decrease blood preasure and relax blood vessels) beta blockers
beta blockers: B1, beta blockers, and antihypertensive drugs
beta blocker adverse effects: and contrinidicatedin : heart depression, fatigue, depression, and bradycardia: diabetic and asthmatic patients
suffix for beta blocker dugs: olol and lol
beta blockers ---- stop taking them do not aburptly
beta blockers: propanolol , metoproplol, atenolol, metoproplol, and carvedoll
increase the force of the contraction beta receptor agonist
increase bp and cardiac output and useful in severee hypotensin beta receptor agonist
beta receptor agonist ex: isuprel
isoproternol: may also be used in the treatment of --- isuprel, asthma
Created by: kaisudd
Popular Pharmacology sets




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