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Conservatives believe that There should be little government regulation of the economy.
Social Conservatives are most concerned about moral decay
The social contract theory says that citizens give their consent to be governed
The Declaration of Independence claims a right tolife, liberty, and the pursiut of happiness. This phrase can be most directly attributed to the idea of? Locke
The belief that authority in society ultimately rests with the people is know as popular sovereignty
Direct democracy is distinguished by citizens decision making and majority rule.
who most strongly believes that government should promote equality and providse social services? Liberals
Locke argued that a major responsibility of governments is to protect private property
The mayflower compact was a social contract
Someone who favors a free market economy without government interference in personal liberties is best described as libertarian
Who is most likely to favor government regulation of sexual and social behavior? social conservatives
Enlightenment thinkers argued that god did not grant kings authority to govern.
What is the significance of the elastic clause? it has been the basis for many implied powers for thefederal government
A committe was appointed at the constitutional convention to workout the differences b/w the proposale of large and small states; the result was the great compromise
how does the Electoral College work? Each state selects electors equal to the number of representatives it has in the house and state.
a governmental strcture that gives each of the thre branches some degree of over sight and control of each other is called. checks and balances.
Which of the following accurately describes constitutional amendments. amending theconstitution is difficult
Who has the sole responsiblility to hold the impeachment trial for a president who has been accused of "Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdomeanors? The senate
The declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson
What was the Three-Fifths compromise Each slave would count as three-fifths of one person for purpose of representation in the house.
The most serious disagreement in the debate b/w large and small states at the constitutional convention was the issue of represntation in congress.
Why did the British Parliament enact the sugar Act of 1764, which taxed goods imported by the colonists such as sugar, wine, and coffee? To help pay for the French and Indian war.
The series of eight-five political papers written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison in support of ratification of the constitution is called the federalist papers
In common sense, Thomas Paine argues Independence from Great Britian
The principles of separation of powers and checks and balances originated with Montesquieu
Te first continental congress has delegates from every colony except georgia
The government established shortly after the declaration of independence was the Article of Confederation
The amendment process established in Article V of the constitution is a two-stage process of proposal and ratification
a system of government in which power is divided b/w the state and national governemnts is called a federal system
What was the "sole and express purpose" for which the constitutional convention of 1787 as called to revise the Article of Confederation
What does the supermacy clause say? legitimate federal laws supersede state laws.
which of the following was a weakness of the Article of confederation congress could rarely muster aquorum
The virgina Plan called for a national system with a strong central government and a bicameral legislature
The small states presented a plan at the constitutional convention advocating the strengthening of the Articles of Confederation the plan was presented by New Jersey
A type of government in which the national government is weaker than the sum of its parts is called confederacy
The federal governments primary law making authority rests with congress
The first continental congress was most concerned about The extent of British authority over the colonies
How are local government established? by state governments
In Dred Scott vs. Sanford the supreme court ruled the Missouri compromise unconstitutional
What was the impact of the sixteenth amendment on federalism? It enabled the federal government to expand its power by giving it more money to spend.
The sixteenth Amendment? required that U.S. senators be elected directly by the people.
Why was the Tenth Admendment added the constitution? Concern among Anti-Federalists that the national government would claim powers other wise belonging to the states.
what is the new deal? An expensive use of federal government authority in an sttempt to end the great depression
Which of the following is a concurrent power? taxation
Which of the following best describes the powers explicity granted to state governments by the constitution? state government power are not explicitly spelled out in the constitution
The McCulloch v. Maryland (1816) ecision continues to be important today b/c it enabled congress to use the necessary and proper cluase to widen its policy-making scope
Who has concurrent powers? both state governments and nation govern.
In the McCulloch v Maryland (1816), the supreme court ruled that te supermacy clause prohibits states from taxing the federal government.
Article 1, sect. 8, gives congress the power to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carrying out its enumerated powers. Powers derived from this clause are also known as implied powers
when state law conflicts w/national law, why does the national law prevail? b/c of the supremacy clause
The clause that ensures that judicial decreases and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another state is call the _____________ clause. full faith and credit
Identify the following phrase, "The powers not delgated to the U.S. by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the state respectivel or to people. The 10th Amendment
Under Construction, govern are prohibital from passing expost facto law
In a Federal system, the states derive their power form __________ and the national government derives its power from _____________. The people; the people
What is the significance of the courts decision in Gibbon v. Ogden? A congress has broad authority under the commerce clause.
National laws that direct state of local governments to comply with federal rles or regulations unfunded mandates
hat system of government is used in the U.S. a federal system
In chich 1857, decision did the supreme court Dred Scott v. Sanford
A law declaring an act illegal without a judicial trail is call a bill attainder
The supreme court ruled in Phessy v. Ferguson A racial segregation was constitutional
In McCullough v. Maryland the Congress could use the necessary and proper clause to charter a nation bank.
Which type of goverement derives its authority from the states? Confederation.
Created by: andramy2007
Popular American Government sets




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