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Ischemic Heart Disease

What is the difference b/t chronic stable angina and unstable angina? Chronic is reproducible and rest makes it feel better.
What is the most common symptom of Ischemic Heart Disease? Angina - Discomfort in chest when blood supply to Myocardium is decreased.
Goals of IHD Tx? Prevent ACS and Death, Alleviate Acute Sx, Prevent recurrent symptoms, Avoid or min adverse events.
Primary strategies for preventing ACS and Death? Modify CV Risk factors (biggest one you can do), Slow progression of coronary atherosclerosis, Stabilize Atherosclerotic Plagues.
With IHD/ACS what is the first pharmacotherapy to be used to Prevent ACS and DEATH? Risk behavior, Antiplatelet Agents, Statins, ACEIs and ARBs //// NTG to relieve acute symptoms/// beta-blockers, CCB, long acting nitrates are to help prevent recurrent symptoms
What is the cornerstone of IHD prevention? Treat Modifiable risk factors; Dyslipidemia, HTN, Diabetes Mellitus
Aspirin and clopidogrel with IHD, Combination recommended with status post (s/p) PCI with stent placement, how long with BMS stent and DES stent? BMS: Atleast 1 month after //// At least 12 months after a DES
Statin are where in the line of options for treating ACS/IHD? 2nd in line. PALS have been shown to decrease IHD: Pravastatin, Atorvastation, Lovastatin, Simvastatin
When is peak of cholesterol synthesis? Cholesterol synthesis peaks at night and this is when patients should take there statin drugs.
Statins can be used in Pregnancy, true or False? False
When measuring AST/ALT liver enzymes at what numbers would you discontinue the use of statin? AST/ALT increases more than 3-5 X ULN
More than 8oz of what may inhibit the metabolism of some statins? Grapefruit Juice
What Medications will interacted with statins? Amiodarone, Cyclosporine, Macrolid
What meds interact with statins? CAMP Grapefruit Juice (Cyclosporine, Amiodarone, Macrolide antibiotics, Protease Inhibitors, Grapefruit Juice .
ALL patients with history of angina should have SL nitroglycerin (NTG) or spray true or false? True
Ranolazine Refractory Angina
When would you avoid the use of beta blockers b/c it may worsen condition? Variant (prinzmetal) Angina - worsening vasospasm possibly
If patient has taking Sildenafil or Vardenafil how long should you before taking NTG? 24 hours
If patient has taking Tadalafil How long should you wait before taking NTG? 48hrs, may cause severe hypo-tension and possible DEATH
What medications are taking as a PREVENTION of RECURRENT ischemic symptoms? BBs, CCBs, Long-Acting Nitrates, Ranolazine
What is the first line therapy after a patient has experienced a MI or ischemis symptoms? BBs (metoprolol and Carvedilol)
After BBs what is the next medication Rx to help prevent a reoccurrance of Ischemic symptoms and are negative chronotropes which are usually more effective antianginal medications by slowing AV node and Dec HR? CCBs (Verapamil and Diltiazem)
IF you are going to use CCBs in combination with a BB what kind of CCBs should you use? Long Acting DIHYDROPYRIDINE CCBs are preferred (Amlodipine or Felodipine)
IF a patient has severe hypotension should you still use long acting nitrates? NO, hypotension out weighs use.
IF a patient has Refractory Angina what medication should you use? Ranolazine
Created by: cmuox2000
Popular Pharmacology sets




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