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pulmonary and respitory system

what is the respitory system? delievers the oxygen to the blood-- the transport medium of the cardiovascular system-- and remove oxygen fromt he blood, the actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the lungs
what two tracts make up res sysytem: the upper and lower res
the upper res tract includes: nose, (nasal cavities, sinusues) mouth, larynx, and trechea, (winpipe)
the lower res tract includes: lungs, bronchi and alvoli
the act of breathing repiration
muscle contraction, which lifts the ribs and plls them out ward, increases lung volume, allowing air to rush in inspiration
muscle relaxationdecreases lung volume and the air passivly flows out expiration
the process wherby oxygen and carbon dioxide are delivered to and from the lungs pulmonary circulatory circuit
___ blood travels to the right ___ then to the right ___. the right ventricle subsequently pumps the blood into the ___ artery, which branches to the right and the left ____ pxygen-poor, atrium, ventricle, pulmonary, lungs
the ___ artiers subdivide untill reaching the arteriole, the capillary levels pulmonary
after gas exchange, the capillaries recombine to form __&__. venules, veins
pulmonary veins carry __ blood to the heart for distribution, via the aorta/systematic circuit, to the rest of the body oxygen-rich
on ___, air enters the body through the nose and he mouth. nasal hairs and mucosa filter out dust particles and bacteria and warm and moisten the air inspriation
air travels down the throat, or phaynx, where two openings exist, one into the ___ for the passage of food, and the other into the ___ and trachea for continued airflow esophagus, larynx, trachea
air continues down the trachea, which branches into the right and left ___. bronchi
bronchi divide into even smaller tubes called _____. the bronchial structures contain ___, that sweep debris out of the lungs toward the phatynx for expulsion. once in the bronchioles, the air is at body temp, conations 100% hummidity, and is comp filtere bronchioles, cilia
bronchioles end in air sacs calleed____-- small thin walled "balloons" arranged in clusters alveoli
it is at the alveoli that ____. tiny blood vessels, capillaries, surrond each of the alveoli. gas exchange occurs
fuknctions of the resipotory system breathing process, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and enable speech production
internal respiration: all cells require oxygen for metabolism, all cells require means to remove carbon dixoxide, gas exchange at celluar level
Created by: kaisudd
Popular Pharmacology sets




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