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Gait Review
Questions from Shankman
Question | Answer |
An individual's center of gravity is which of the following? | Anterior to the sacral vertebrae |
The number of total steps per minute during gait is called which of the following? | Cadence |
Which of the following represents approximately 60% of the entire gait cycle? | Stance phase |
The swing phase of gait occupies what percentage of the gait cycle? | 40% |
The pelvis rotates within the frontal plane during gait. This pelvic rotation is called which of the following? | Tilt |
The stance phase of gait has how many components? | Five |
The swing phase of gait has how many components? | Three |
Which of the following are characteristics of normal gait? | A walking speed that is typically greater for males than females. Males have a typically a greater cadence than females. |
During the stance phase of gait, __________ is the instant foot contact is made with the ground. | heel strike |
During the stance phase of gait, __________ is the time when the entire foot is in contact with the ground. | foot flat |
What is the name of the period where the body is directly over the weight bearing leg? | Midstance |
__________ occurs when weight is unloaded from the weight bearing limb and transferred to the opposite limb. | Heel off |
A painful gait pattern is referred to as which of the following? | An antalgic gait |
A rapid swing phase of the uninvolved limb, with a reduction of the stance phase of the involved limb, is characteristic of which type of gait? | Antalgic gait |
Weakness of the gluteus medius may result in which of the following? | Lateral trunk bending & Rapid swing phase |
Circumduction of the hip during swing-through may be characteristic of weakness to which muscle group? | ??? |
Weakness of which muscle group may demonstrate knee hyperextension during the stance phase of the gait cycle? | Hip flexors |
Which of the following describes a four-point gait pattern, if the injured limb is the left leg? | Right crutch × left foot × left crutch × right foot |
Right crutch × left foot × left crutch × right foot | Minimal weight bearing (balance only) |
Weight bearing as tolerated is designed for patients who are limited by which factors? | Pain |
When ascending stairs with bilateral axillary crutches, which of the following describes the most appropriate sequence? | Uninvolved limb, then crutches |
When descending stairs using bilateral axillary crutches, which of the following describes the most appropriate sequence? | Crutches, then involved limb |
When descending stairs, where should the PTA stand and provide support? | In front of the patient |
When ascending stairs, where should the PTA stand and provide support? | Behind the patient |
What is the term used to describe linear distance between right and left feet during gait? | Step length |
Name the two phases of gait. | Stance phase and swing phase |
Name the components of the stance phase of gait | Heel strike, foot flat, midstance, heel off, and toe off |
Name the components of the swing phase of gait. | Acceleration, midswing, and deceleration |
Name a primary action of the foot-flat period of the stance phase of gait. | Shock absorption |
A single crutch or cane should be used on which side of the injured limb? | Uninvolved side |
T or F, During gait, an individual's center of gravity displaces both vertically and horizontally. | True |
T or F, Non–weight bearing status allows the patient to place minimal weight on the involved limb. | False |
Partial weight bearing status allows the pt to place a prescribed amt of resistance on involved limb. Amt of wt is determined by dr & is carried out in PT by grading the resistance by a percentage of the patient's weight (20%, 30%, 50%, etc.). | True |
Responsible for eccentric lowering of foot into PF just after heel strike. | Tibialis Anterior |
Responsible for concentric raising of the heel during toe off during late stance phase. | Gastroc-soleus group |
Responsible for support during early stance phase and just before toe off to initiate swing phase. | Quadriceps group |
Responsible for decelerating the unsupported limb during late swing phase. | Hamstrings group |