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Functin of Shark Atrium
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Function of Shark Ventricle
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CVA Shark

Shark Heart Function & Homology to Cat, Mudpuppy, & Sheep

Functin of Shark Atrium sinus venosus --> atrium --> atrioventricular valve into the ventricle.
Function of Shark Ventricle Deoxy Atrium --> ventricle --> conus arteriosus
Function of Shark Sinus Venos Deoxy flows into --> SV --> continues into the sinoatrial valve into the atrium.
Function of Shark Conus Arteriosus Deoxy Ventricle --> CA --> ventral aorta.
Function of Shark Ventral Aorta Deoxy conus arteriosus --> VA --> branches out into 5 pairs of afferent branchial arteries.
Function of Shark Afferent Branchial Arteries Deoxy ventral aorta --> VA -->
Function of Shark Efferent Branchial Arteries Blood flows from collector loops --> EBA --> converges to form dorsal aorta
Funciton of Shark Dorsal Aorta Oxy Formed by the convergence of 4 efferent branchial arteries --> DA -->
Function of Shark Paired Dorsal Aorta --> PDA --> Join with the hyoidean arteries to form internal carotid arteries
Functino of Shark Hyoidean Artery Originates from dorsal end of the pretrematic branch of the 1st collector loop; joins the paired dorsal aortae, forming the internal carotid arteries.
Function of Shark Internal Carotid Arteries Oxy - Joining of hyoidean arteries and the paired dorsal aortae --> ICA --> unite to form internal carotid artery
Function of Shark Hepatic Portal Vein
Function of Shark Gastric Vein Formed by the dorsal & ventral gastric veins, --> GV --> drains the stomach
Function of Shark Anterior Intestinal Vein Forms the pancreaticomesenteric vein & drains the anterior lienogastric vein
Function of Shark Anterior Intestinal Artery
Function of Shark Posterior Cardinal Veins
Function of Shark Posterior Cardinal Sinus
Function of Mudpuppy External Nares Leads into nasal chambers containing olfactory epithelia
Function of Mudpuppy Lungs
Function of Mudpuppy Atria
Function of Mudpuppy Ventricle
Function of Mudpuppy Conus Arteriosus
Function of Mudpuppy Bulbus Arteriosus
Function of Mudpuppy Sinus Venosus Common cardinal veins --> SV -->
Function of Mudpuppy Coronary Vessels
Function of Mudpuppy Ventral Aorta Pericardial cavity --> ventral aorta --> Afferent branchial arteries
Function of Mudpuppy Dorsal Aorta
Function of Mudpuppy Subclavian Artery
Function of Mudpuppy Internal Carotid Artery
Function of Mudpuppy Afferent Branchial Arteries Ventral aorta --> ABA --> capillaries (gas exchange)
Function of Mudpuppy Efferent Branchial Arteries
Function of Mudpuppy Pulmonary Arteries Efferent branchial arteries --> pulmonary arteries --> lung
Function of Mudpuppy Gastric Artery --> Gastric Artery --> Branches to form dorsal & ventral gastric arteries carrying blood to stomach
Function of Mudpuppy Hepatic Portal Vein Posterior vena cava --> HPV --> ?
Function of Mudpuppy Posterior Vena Cava Receives blood from efferent renal veins of kidneys & the ovarian veins from the gonads; continues thru the liver by hepatic veins
Function of Mudpuppy Common Cardinal Veins Connection of renal portal veins & posterior cardinal veins --> CCV --> sinus venosus
Function of Mudpuppy Pulmonary Veins Ventral side of each lung --> PV --> dorsal to the left hepatic sinus, & unites into a single vessel that enters the left atrium of the heart
Function of Trachea
Function of Cat Larynx
Function of Cat Lungs
Function of Cat Diaphragm
Function of Cat Coronary Arteries
Function of Cat Coronary Veins
Function of Cat Atria
Function of Cat Ventricles
Function of Cat Aorta
Function of Cat Pulmonary Trunk
Function of Cat Pulmonary Arteries
Function of Cat Pulmonary Veins
Function of Cat Brachiocephalic artery
Function of Cat Left Subclavian Artery
Function of Cat Common Carotid Arteries
Function of Cat Internal Jugular Vein
Function of Cat External Jugular Veins
Function of Cat Cranial Vena Cava
Function of Cat Caudal Vena Cava
Function of Cat Renal Artery
Function of Cat Renal Vein
Function of Cat Hepatic Artery
Function of Cat Hepatic Vein
Function of Cat Hepatic Portal Vein
Function of Cat External Iliac Vein
Function of Cat Internal Iliac Artery
Function of Cat Femoral Artery
Function of Cat Common Iliac Vein External & internal iliac veins --> CIV --> Join w/ each other to form the posterior vena cava
Function of Cat External Iliac Vein
Function of Cat Femoral Vein
Function of Sheep Right Atrium
Function of Sheep Right Ventricle
Function of Sheep Left Atrium
Function of Sheep Left Ventricle
Function of Sheep Coronary Blood Vessels
Function of Sheep Pulmonary Trunk
Function of Sheep Aorta
Function of Sheep Brachiocephalic Artery
Function of Sheep Coronary Sinus
Function of Sheep Cranial Vena Cava
Function of Sheep Caudal Vena Cava
Created by: vduong728



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