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EU Civ Exam 2


Galileo on Nature, Scripture, and Truth 17th century - Sci. Rev. Letter to Grand Dutchess Christina. Galileo says both scripture and physical phenomena are God's word, and they do not contradict each other, therefore the study of science is not blasphemy.
Two Reactions to "New Philosophy" 17th c. 1st view: poem by John Donne expresses loss & confusion associated w/ Sci. Rev. 2nd view: Francis Bacon says science may bring uncomfortable ideas, important to learn them. He proposes a middle ground b/w dogma thinking & experimental thinking.
Newton on Purposes of Experimental Philosophy 18th c - Sci. Rev. In the 2nd edition of the Principia, he states that no room for hypothesis in experimental philosophy. Conclusions made after discovery. Doesn't know what causes gravity, its just there.
Slavery and the Enlightenment 18th c. Encyclopedia entry argues slavery is legally impossible because slaves have natural right to be free.
Rousseau and his Readers 18th c. - Enlightenment. Rou. in Emile says women are incapable of learning science and philosophy and should learn what supports and pleases men. Wollstonecraft says this is bullshit and wants equality for men and women.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 18th c. - French Rev. Outlines equality of all people, says gvmt exists to protect rights, and people can do anything that doesn't interfere with other's rights.
Olympe de Gouges, Dec. of Rights of Woman and Citizen 18th c. - French Rev. Says men do not have right to suppress women. Gives nature, where sexes are intertwined in harmony, as example.
Factory System, Science, Morality: Two Views 19th c. - Industrial Rev. Ure says it is beneficial both to society & to people because they do not have to use as much physical effort. Engels says its bad because unemployment, child labor, and long hours forcing family abandonment.
Atrocities in the Congo 19th c. - Colonialism. George Washington Williams, black journalist, writes King Leopold about horrible conditions, broken promises, and to answer for these injustices.
Copernicus Earth around sun
Johannes Kepler Planetary motion; improved Copernicus's theories.
Galileo Telescope; conflict with church.
Francis Bacon Inductive reasoning - observations then theories.
Rene Decartes Discourse on Method: knowledge through doubt. "I think therefore I am".
Isaac Newton Light, calculus, gravity. Principia Mathmatica.
John Locke Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Tabula rasa. Goodness of humanity through moral improvement and social progress.
Voltaire Philosophical Letters. Admires British gvmt, checks and balances, religious toleration.
Montesquieu The Spirit of the Laws. Examination of gvmts.
Diderot Encyclopedia. Scientific analysis of human knowledge.
Beccaria On Crimes and Punishments. Reason and human dignity. Punishment does not equal social vengence, needed to prevent crimes. Opposed torture and death penalty.
Rousseau The Social Contract. Democracy, equality, and freedom.
Mary Wollstonecraft Vindication of the rights of women. Women capable of reason, equality b/w men and women.
Marat Bathtub dude, journalist French Rev.
Danton French Rev. Killed by terror advocates. Minister of justice.
Directory Temp French gvmt b/w radicals and Napoleon.
Napoleonic France Takes church land, freedom of religion, civil code, censorship & secret police, women lose rights.
Continental System Trade embargo against Britain. Failed horribly.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines First ruler of Haiti. Declares independence.
Berlin Conference Decides rules for colonialization: as long as no other Europeans there, fair game. No African representatives.
Created by: hhhh64
Popular European History sets




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