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Week 1 test PTP-101

There are 3 types of benzodiazepines. False
What class of drugs can be classified as ultra-short acting or long acting? Barbituates
What class of drugs is the most prescribed hypnotic medication? benzodiazepine
Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive nighttime wakefulness where an individual stays awake for long periods of time. False
What is the generic name for Halcion? Triazolam
A customer comes in asking for a refill on their medication for Parkinson's disease. Which of the following drugs on their profile will you refill? Requip
How many minutes should the LAH run before using? 30
Discontinuation of which of the following drugs can cause anxiety, rebound insomnia, and perceptual disturbances? flurazepam
What is the brand name for estazolam? ProSom
What is the indication of use for armodafinil? narcolepsy
Anti-narcoleptic medications are CNS depressants except for Xyrem. False
Which of the following drugs is used with an anti-emesis medication because in high doses it can cause vomiting? Nembutal
Soporific means: a drug that causes sleep
A nurse calls in a refill for their patient's MS medication. Which of the following drugs will you add refills to? Ampyra
What is the abbreviation for four times a day? QID
What is the brand name for Dalmane? that is the brand name
What is the generic name for Concerta? not listed
When working with ampules, using a filter syringe is common practice. True
A patient calls in refills for their sleeping medicine and their son's ADHD medication. Which of the following drugs will you fill? zolpidem tartrate,Concerta
This division of pharmacology looks at the effects of medications on humans: clinical pharmacology
The bevel is a part that is located on the: needle
Which of the following describes Environmental pharmacology: Is the study of pharmaceuticals & personal care products in the environment.
What is the generic name for Ampyra? dalfampridine
The Laminar airflow hood located in our PT Lab is a: Horizontal airflow hood
What is the classification for Rozerem? melatonin agonist
Xyrem and Dalmane are the same classification. False
A technician wants to know how Requip is absorbed and excreted in the body. Which of the following areas of pharmacology will help with that? pharmacokinetics
Intuniv helps with ADHD. True
Pharmacology discuss the interactions of chemicals with receptors and how these chemicals move through the body. True
A customer wants to refill her anxiety medicine, which of the following would you fill: Doral
Which of the following categories of benzodiazepine is the preferred treatment for anxiety? long acting
Which of the following drugs is FDA approved for RLS? ropinirole, pramipexole
What is the generic name for Strattera? Atomoxetine HCI
What is the generic name for Doral? quazepam
What is the generic name for Nembutal? pentobarbital sodium
Created by: danielaco2
Popular Pharmacology sets




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