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Pharm Abx 2

Fall 2011, pharm I

What is the name of the main sulfa abx used? Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX)
MOA of TMP/SMX? -Blocks folate pathway=inhib DNA, RNA, protein produx
TMP/SMX is the DOC for what? -Pneumocystitis pneumonia (AIDS) (for trtmt and prophylaxis) -UTI:uncomplicated cystitis (when E.coli sensitive)
Other common uses of TMP/SMX? -RTI, UTI, GI infex
TMP/SMS comes in what forms? Oral, IV
TMP/SMX trade names? Bactrim, Septa
AE of TMP/SMX? -HyperK+ (esp w/ACEi/ARB, K+sp diuretic, K+supp) -15%sulfa allergy -GI upset, rash, photosens -Rare: TENS/SJS, leukopenia..
CI for TMP/SMX? -Hypersens to any sulfa drug, folate defic anemia, infants<2mo, marked hep/renal dysfxn, lactat
What is a special drug interax to consider w/TMP/SMX? -Warfarin..should decrs dose (CYP2C9 inhib)
Gentamicin and Tobramycin are both examples of? Aminoglycosides
Aminoglycoside spectrum of activity? -Good activity against all G- aerobes
What are aminoglycosides used for, commonly? -Serious hosp-acquired infex caused by enterobacteriacea, pseudomonas
Common AEs of aminoglycosides? Ototoxicity - usually irreversible
Common example of a tetracycline? Doxycycline
Trade name of Doxycycline? Doxy,Vibramycin
Resistance to tetracyclines is wide-spread, what may be the cause? Included in animal feeds to promote wt gain
What is the spectrum of activity in tetracyclines? Broad
Any pharmacokin consid w/ tetracyclines? -Absorption is decrsd by milk, antacids, iron supps, other Ca2+, alum, iron
Doxycycline is DOC for? Early stage Lyme dz
Dosing for Doxy? 100mg bid x 7-10days
AEs of tetracyclines? -Teeth discolor in kids<8 and preg/lactat, GI upset, photosens
What are the Macrolide meds? -Erythromycin -Clarithromycin -Azithromycin
Trade name of Azithromycin? Zithromax
Erythromycin covers? Atypical RTI pathogens
How is Erythromycin elim? Excreted in bile
What is the DOC for Bordatella pertussis? (whooping cough) -Erythromycin
Erythromycin inhibits metab of? -Theophylline and warfarin (=^d levels)
If a drug has a ^er bioavail, what does that mean for the GI tract? Less effects! Erythromycin 25% vs Clarithromycin 50%!
Clarithromycin inhibits metab of? -Theophylline and Warfarin =^d levels, but only 50% amt that Erythromycin affects it
Clarithrymycin advantages over Erythromycin? -^spectrum of activity -Less drug interax -Fewer GI side effects
Azithromycin has great action on which class of dz's? STIs
Which macrolide really gets into the cells and has a t1/2 of 68hrs? Azithromycin
Created by: 572680793
Popular Pharmacology sets




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