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NOS220 Review (Ch13)

Linux Study Guide - Configuring Network Services

ab (Apache benchmark) command A command that can be used to obtain performance benchmarks for a Web server such as Apache.
apachectl command A command that can be used to start, stop, and restart the Apache Web server as well as check for syntax errors within the Apache configuration file.
Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND) The standard that all DNS servers and DNS configuration files adhere to.
BIND configuration utility A graphical utility that can be used to generate and modify the files that are used by the DNS name daemon.
curl command A command that can be used to obtain a Web page from a Web server.
database A file that contains data that is organized into tables.
directive A line within a configuration file.
DNS cache file A file that contains the IP addresses of top-level DNS servers.
document root The directory on a Web server that stores Web content for distribution to Web browsers.
exporting The process used to describe the sharing of a directory using NFS to other computers.
field An attribute within a record in a database table.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) The most common protocol used to transfer files across networks such as the Internet.
forward lookup A DNS name resolution request whereby an FQDN is resolved to an IP address.
ftp command A command-line FTP client that is found in most operating systems.
hwclock command A command that can be used to view and modify the system clock within the computer BIOS.
infrastructure services Network services that provide network and operating system-specific functionality to other computers on the network.
iterative query A DNS resolution request that was resolved without the use of top-level DNS servers.
jitter The difference between time measurements from several different NTP servers.
mail command A common e-mail client on UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh systems.
master DNS server The DNS server that contains a read/write copy of the zone. See also primary DNS server.
NetBIOS A protocol used by Windows computers that adds a unique 15-character name to file- and printer-sharing traffic.
Network File System (NFS) A set of software components that can be used to share files natively between UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh computers on a network.
Network Information Service (NIS) A set of software components that can be used to standardize the configuration files across several different Linux and UNIX computers.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) A protocol that can be used to obtain time information from other computers on the Internet.
newaliases command A command that can be used to rebuild the e-mail alias database based on the entries within the /etc/aliases file.
NIS client A computer in an NIS domain that receives its configuration from an NIS master server or NIS slave server.
NIS domain A group of computers that share the same NIS configuration.
NIS map A system configuration that is shared by the computers within an NIS domain.
NIS master server The computer in an NIS domain that contains the master copy of all NIS maps.
NIS slave server A computer in an NIS domain that receives a read-only copy of all NIS maps from an NIS master server.
nmblookup command A command that can test NetBIOS name resolution on a Linux system.
ntpdate command A command that can view the current system time as well as synchronize the system time with an NTP server.
ntpq command A command that can query the state of an NTP server or client.
offset The difference in time between two computers that use the NTP protocol.
Postfix A common e-mail server daemon used on Linux systems that is easy to configure.
PostgreSQL A common SQL server used on Linux computers.
PostgreSQL utility The program used to perform most database management on a PostgreSQL server.
primary DNS server The DNS server that contains a read/write copy of the zone.
record A line within a database table that represents a particular object.
recursive query A DNS resolution request that was resolved with the use of top-level DNS servers.
relational database A database that contains multiple tables that are linked by common fields.
resource records The records within a zone on a DNS server that provide name resolution for individual computers.
reverse lookup A DNS name resolution request whereby an IP address is resolved to an FQDN.
secondary DNS server A DNS server that contains a read-only copy of the zone. See also slave DNS server.
Sendmail The default e-mail server daemon used in Fedora 13.
Server Message Block (SMB) The protocol that Windows computers use to format file and printer sharing traffic on TCP/IP networks.
slave DNS server A DNS server that contains a read-only copy of the zone.
smbclient command A command that can be used to connect to a remote Windows or Samba server and transfer files.
smbpasswd command A command used to generate a Samba password for a user.
SQL server A server service that provides other programs and computers the ability to access a database.
strata The levels used within an NTP hierarchy that describe the relative position of a server to an original time source such as an atomic clock.
Structured Query Language (SQL) A language used by database servers to query, add, and modify the data within a database.
table A database structure that organizes data using records and fields.
Time to Live (TTL) The amount of time that a computer is allowed to cache name resolution information obtained from a DNS server.
tzselect command A command that can be used to change the time zone of a Linux computer.
Very Secure FTP daemon (vsftpd) The default FTP server program used in modern Linux distributions, including Fedora 13.
Web page hit A single HTTP request that is sent from a Web browser to a Web server.
zone A portion of the domain name space that is administered by one or more DNS servers.
zone transfer The process of copying resource records for a zone from a master to a slave DNS server.
Created by: Sumbunny
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