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Prin of Infectiou Dz

Systematic approach for selecting antimicrob therapy? -Confirm presence of infex -ID specific pathogen -Select therapy
What can cause a False - for a fever? ASA, NSAIDS, APAP, Corticosteroids
What can cause a False+ for a fever? B-lactams:Penicillin, cephalosporins & salicylates & phenytoin
Presence of immature band cells is an indication of? Bone marrow response to an infection
What are the measurements for CRP? .5-1 = NL 1.0-1.5 = Moderate inflamm >10 = Sugg infex
Inflamm tests can also be elevated w/what conditions? Collagen vascular dz Arthritis
Cell walls in G+ vs G- bacteria? G+ = ^peptidoglycans, decrs L G- = ^lipids, decrs P
Define bactericidal Kills sensitive organisms so that the #of viable organisms falls rapidly after drug exposure; ex:Penicillin
What is bacteriostatic? -Inhibits growth of bacteria but doesnt kill them-pt's own immune system then kills them -ex:tetracycline
What are the requirements for antimicrobial therapy? -Penetrate the cell -Reach the target -Kill organism
Mechanisms of resistance? -Decrs permeability -Drug efflux -Drug/enzyme inactivation -Altered target
H. flu commonly effects? Kids and smokers
Enterobacteriaeae common where? Gut and GU
Pseudomonas common where? "water bug"
Anarobes (B.fragilis) commonly seen where? Gut, Aspiration, Chronic RTIs
Enterococcus seen where? Gut and wounds
Created by: 572680793
Popular Pharmacology sets




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