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Chronicity QRG


________ postulates that child development is a maturational process based on an in-born timetable. Although children benefit from experience, they will achieve maturational milestones such as rolling over, sitting, and walking at specific times. The maturational theory (Arnold Gesell)
________, in his developmental task theory, described growth and development occurring during six stages, each associated with 6 to 10 tasks to be learned. Havighurst
____________ is focused on the development of personality, not physical development. Psychosocial theory
___________ describes the person between ages 7 and 12, in a private world of fantasy and wonder. Symbols refer to something specific; and dramatic stories and myths are used to communicate spiritual meanings. Mythical-lyrical
The _______________, ages 4 to 6 years, is a combination of images and beliefs given by trusted others, mixed with the child's own experience and imagination. intuitive-projective stage
____________, which may never be reached by an individual, is a stage of becoming incarnate of the principles of love and justice. Universalizing
Fowler describes this as a stage in which the person is constructing his or her own explicit system with a high degree of self-consciousness. Individuating-reflexive
Gilligan's stage _____caring for self and others-is the last stage of development where a person sees the need for a balance between caring for others and caring for the self. three
Stage 1 in Giligan's theory is... caring for oneself
Stage 2 in Gilligan's theory is... caring for others
Stage 6, ____________, is from 18 to 24 months. The significant behavior is identified by interpretation of the environment by mental image. Make-believe and pretend-play are in use during this stage. inventions of new means
The _____________, 2 to 4 years, is when the child uses an egocentric approach to accommodate the demands of an environment. preconceptual phase
The ________________phase, 7 to 11 years, is where the child is able to solve concrete problems and begins to understand relationships such as size, right, and left, and is cognizant of viewpoints. concrete operations
______________theory specifically addresses the moral development of children and adults. Lawrence Kohlberg's
___________explored the concept of cognitive development within a social, historical, and cultural context, arguing that adults guide children to learn and that development depends on the use of language, play, and extensive social interaction. Vygotsky
_________research led to the term "operant conditioning" and most of his work was with laboratory animals. Skinner's
_________developed the cognitive theory of development. Piaget
The old-old stage, age 85 and older, is characterized by increasing physical problems. The nursing implication for this age group is to assist with self-care as required, but maintain as much independence as possible. with self-care as required, but maintain as much independence as possible.
_________should be applied in the middle-old age group, age 75 to 84 years. Safety measures
__________become important in the young-old stage, age 65 to 74 years. Peer interactions
____________ describes faith as a way of being and behaving that evolves from an experienced faith guided by parents and others during a person's infancy and childhood to an owned faith that is internalized in adulthood. Westerhoff
________ theory describes the development of faith as a force that gives meaning to a person's life. Fowler's
Normal aging change is called _______ primary aging
The nurse is performing a community assessment. Which of the listed assessment data from this community would follow the national norms regarding disease for the middle-aged adult? Injuries and chronic disease are the leading causes of death in this age group.
When working with the older adult age group, the nurse realizes that physiological and psychosocial changes will be evident. Those in this age group who will have at least one chronic disease condition will constitute what portion of the group? 80% of the group
During a regular physical examination, a clinical nurse specialist counsels a patient on tobacco cessation. This type of preventive action is classified as primary
The magico religious health belief views health and illness or comfort and unieasiness is controlled by... supernatural powers
To maintain comfort and ease the forces of nature must be maintained in balance or harmony according to which health belief? holistic
The biomedical health belief is controlled by biochemical processes that can be manipulated by... humans
Clean-contaminated wounds are surgical wounds in which the ____________, ___________, ________, or ___________ has been entered. respiratory, alimentary, genital, or urinary tract
Massage relieves pain by .... stimulates the release of body toxins
Tylenol has a ________________ mechanism effect. central
Narcotics relieve pain by altering pain perception
An appropriate goal following rhizotomy for pain management is that the patient will be able to explain: Why it is important to avoid extremes in temperature
The nurse is caring for an 8-month-old infant. Which of the following is the best tool the nurse should use for evaluating pain in this infant? FLACC scale
___ of the population have at least one chronic disease. 50%
A 69-year-old African-American woman has a 20-year history of chronic illness has left her disabled, numerous treatments have been tried. Which factor(s) place the woman at increased risk for complications related to her illness and its treatment? The length of the chronic illness
The grief of a 10-year-old girl in response to her mother’s terminal illness might be evidenced by: The grief of a 10-year-old girl in response to her mother’s terminal illness might be evidenced by: A) Her being aggressive with peers
Which is a characteristic of a chronic illness? Clinical problems run a long course and impairment is permanent.
___________________occurs when a person recognizes that there is something greater than one's self. The spiritual concept of transcendence
Knowing the _______________is beneficial to the nurse when planning the care for patients because it helps the nurse understand and predict behaviors. theory of family functioning
The American with Disabilities Act stipulates that: Employers may not ask about disabilities or use tests to eliminate persons with disabilities.
Brief, but genuinely felt grief is referred to as... abbreviated grief
A temporary and an emotional response to a loss, or the perception of a loss which often impacts one's ability to function is referred to as? grief
This type of grief is present when an individual can not freely open up about a specific loss to others? disenfrachised grief
Two months prior to her marriage, a 40 year old women is grieving the loss of her mother. This loss is conceptualized as: Developmental
An _______________ loss is one that is obvious to others. actual
A ______________ loss is experienced by an individual but can not be verified by others. perceived
At about age 9, children's concept of death matures and most understand that death is _________. an inevitable part of life.
When viewing death Toddlers fear ________. abandonment
Preschoolers view death as _________. reversible
Pt has an advance health directive that indicates that no resuscitative measures should be employed in the event of a respiratory or cardiac arrest. The client begins to exhibit severe dyspnea and says, "Please do something." What action should be taken? Initiate resuscitative measures.
portion of the RAS responsible for stimulus arousal and wakefulness Reticular Excitatory Area
The ability to adjust for near objects accommodation
the sensory portion of the retina, the third and innermost layer of the eye photoreceptors
When a person is in optimal arousal sensoristasis
the ability to perceive and understand an object through touch by its size, shape, and texture stereognosis
portion of the brain stem thought to mediate the arousal mechanism reticular activating system
The nurse knows radial keratotomy has been successful when the patient reports: reduction in night blindness
Which finding on eye examination is considered a normal age-related change? small pupil size
The most likely cause of difficulty reading small print in the aging population is: presbyopia
A client who has had a traumatic brain injury is physiologically stable but remains in a coma. Caregivers are participating in a coma stimulation program with this client. Which action is correct for this situation? Stimulation should be delivered in a quiet environment, should be limited to 30- to 45-minute sessions, and should be done episodically throughout the day, not continuously. Periods of sleep/rest should be alternated with the sensory stimuli.
Which purpose does cerumen serve in the ears? helps to cleanse the auditory canal of foreign matter
defined as ways of thinking and acting developed by a group of people that permit them to interact effectively with their environment and to address concerns common to the human condition. Culture
the aggregate of cultural practices, social influences, religious pursuits, and racial characteristics shaping the distinctive identity of a community. Ethnicity
an artificial categorization of people based on genetic inheritance and physical characteristics such as skin color, blood type, hair color and texture, and eye color. Race
or cultural assimilation is the acquisition of at least some of the beliefs, values, and behaviors of another culture. Acculturation
The Mexican culture views coffee, garlic, chocolate, cornmeal, peas, and kidney beans as which type of food? hot food
What clients would the nurse expect to request a root worker? African American
A Vietanmese family is in need of health care and goes to the community clinic. This is an example of... acculturation
Which client would the nurse expect to request a medicine man for care? Native Americans
The use of ginseg by the Asian Culture may require a lower dose of what type of medication? MAOI
A client is the child of an African American father and Asian American mother. The client has been exposed to cultural foods, traditions, and customs from both parents throughout life. This client exemplifies which of the following? biculture
A client makes the following statement: "I must be paying for all the wrongs I did in my life, to have such a diagnosis as this." The nurse understands that this client views health from which of the following beliefs? magico religious belief
The _________health belief holds that the forces of nature must be maintained in balance or harmony. holistic
________________is defined as those beliefs and practices related to illness prevention and healing that derive from cultural traditions rather than from modern medicine's scientific base. Folk medicine
Homeopathy is based on the “similar principle” that treatment of a specific disease involves: Giving dilute doses of a substance capable of causing the disease
A client from a culture different from the nurse's has just been admitted to a unit. The unit is busy and the nurse has limited time to complete the nursing admission assessment. The best way for the nurse to show cultural sensitivity is to: Break the assessment into shorter intervals and discuss general topics first.
A nurse is working with a client whose spouse was not born in the USA. During the visit, the nurse realizes that the client has acquired the identity of her spouse's culture and has adopted some of the health practices of that culture. This is... assimilation
The _________domain encompasses intellectual skills related to factual information and its application. cognitive
A nurse is presenting a health class to a group of senior citizens regarding exercises to promote cognitive health. As part of the program, the nurse presents a slide presentation and handouts. Which of the learning domains is the nurse working through? Cognitive Domain
A nurse submitted a grant to a not-for-profit agency, requesting a van equipped to provide health screenings and immunizations to the inner-city population. This is an example of which function of volunteer health agencies? Pioneering
Primaryhealth care incorporates five principles : equitable distribution, appropriate technology, focus on health promotion and community participation, and a multisectoral approach. equitable distribution, appropriate technology, focus on health promotion and community participation, and a multisectoral approach.
__________care is defined as essential health care based on practical,scientifically sound, acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community. Primary health
The community health nurse is assisting a community group in finding acceptable transportation services for the elderly of the community. This is an example of which step of the counseling process? third step
The personal health care sector is the segment of the scientific health care subsystem that _________________ provides health-related services to individual clients
The primary emphasis in this sector is to cure disease and restore health, although individuals can also receive some health-promotion and illness-preventive services. personal health care sector
This sector includes health care institutions (clinics, hospitals, etc.); personnel; health commodities firms; education and research institutions; and financing systems. personal health care sector
A nurse working in a community health office, which is funded by tax revenue, is accountable to which sector of the community? citizens
_______________models are "based on the premise that an individual's behavior is shaped by a dynamic interaction with the social environment, which includes influences at the interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy levels" Social-ecological
Having a sound understanding of health promotion, the public health nurse works to implement programs within the community that provide opportunities for clients to become involved with and provide input in health policies. This is an example of a(n): socio economic model of health promotion
When completing a community assessment, the community health nurse will take several aspects into account. What is the first stage of this assessment? Learn about the people in the community
A community health nurse has the task of reviewing the local disaster plan, following a recent natural disaster affecting the community's health. Which core function of public health does this represent? Policy Development
The _________function of public health involves advocacy and political action in order to develop local, state, and national policies conducive to population health. policy development
Thiss include planning for health care delivery at the population level and assuring core funding for public health activities, as well as the use of scientific evidence as a basis for policy formation. policy development
Which branch of the eighth cranial nerve is tested to evaluate sound transmission? A) Cochlear
A nurse is working with family groups and realizes there are a number of remarried parents retaining joint child custody. The nurse documents these children specifically as part of which family type? A) Bi-nuclear
Acute blood loss can have very serious effects if it exceeds: 1000ml
A 75 year-old diabetic complains of intense pain and seeing halos around lights. Upon examination, circumcorneal redness and dilated pupils are seen. These suggest: acute glaucoma
When accommodation is used as a diagnostic tool, the nurse asks the patient to: Focus on an object that is moved toward the nose
The central nervous system is protected in states of hypovolemia and hypotension by: Dilation of cerebral blood vessels
An older patient indicates he has been taking a multivitamin and aspirin on a daily basis and is now experiencing tinnitus. What condition would the nurse suspect is causing the tinnitus? salicylate toxicity
Chronic illness can be distinguished from an acute illness in that it produces clinical problems that... run a long course and impairment is permanent
When is the administration of a non-selective beta-blocker such as propranolol (Inderal) to a hypertensive patient contraindicated? In a COPD patient
A patient suffering from exertional dyspnea is fatigued, yellow skin , and is experiencing which other problem? Hemolytic anemia
A patient is starting a new prescription of atenolol (Tenormin). Which of the following symptoms, if present, is caused as a result of the beta1 blockade effects of the drug? difficulty breathing
--sees the person as body and mind / uses scientific models of inquiry and technology. allopathic philosophy
Which of the following behaviors is acceptable when caring for an Asian American client? touching the head with permission
The school nurse is plotting the height and weight of school children during a child assessment clinic. which aspect of the child’s health is the nurse assessing? growth
The purpose of aqueous humor in the anterior compartment of the eye is to: Nourish and lubricate the lens and cornea
Which observation alerts the nurse to the possibility that an older adult is contemplating suicide? The older adult: Stops verbalizing feelings and exhibits reduced activity
Which part of the ear is assessed for auditory acuity and balance? inner ear
The community nurse has been asked to investigate a sudden outbreak of symptoms among restaurant patrons. This nurse will be acting as a: case finder
Which attribute allows the community health nurse to influence the action of the local city commission leaders in taking an active role regarding the health of their community? leadership
How do noradrenergic drug agonist relieve pain? By modulating the ascending pain signal from the dorsal horn.
What does the physician most likely suspect when conducting a visual evoked potential? optic atrophy
Which statement about the clinical stage of chronic illness is true? Anatomic changes produce physical signs of the disease.
A sudden painless change in vision such as flashes of light, seeing a shower of spots, or the feeling that a curtain was pulled over the patient's field of vision are the most common symptoms of retinal detachment
Which of the following health, and/or medical interventions, would the care of the patient with glaucoma, the patient following lens surgery, and the patient recovering from surgical repair of a detached retina have in common? prevent IOP
When the nurse enters the room she observes the patient praying. The patient says, “I don’t know how people manage to get through these tough times without their faith. It’s where I get my strength.” which theorist? Westerhoff
A Hispanic American woman asks for a partera to participate in her care. The role of a partera is : a midwife
After corneal transplantation the patient is taught to monitor for signs of rejection, such as redness or irritation.
Transmission of an action potential from one neuron to to another requires the presence of: Chemical neurotransmitters
_____________ eyedrops dilate the pupil and temporarily paralyze the focusing mechanism of the eye, cycloplegic
Eye medications that constrict the pupil, permitting aqueous humor to flow, are called: miotics
inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and interrupt the pain signal at the peripheral level. NSAIDS
bind to receptors in the dorsal horn, inhibit release of neurotransmitters, and interfere with the relay of the pain signal across the synapse. Opioids
block ion channels and prevent generation of the pain signal. Anesthetics and anticonvulsants
building a tower with 9 - 10 blocks preschool
Jumping using both feet toddler
going up steps using alternate feet preschool
The pain impulses to the brain can be interrupted by cold, heat and pressure. gate control theory
The process of adapting to chronic stress which can result in negative effects in body systems. General adaptation theory
used to identify stressors and predict and individuals response to stress stimulus based stress model
Refers to the cognitive, emotional, and coping response to stress Transactional Stress theory
behavior response often reported by patients with chronic pain decrease appetite
How does a TENS unit relieve pain? Blocks small nerve fibers by stimulating large ones Stimulating non pain receptors in the same area
Which culture believes that the dying pt should not know their prognosis? Hispanic
Used to induce relaxation of the ciliary muscles mydriatics
The pt reports a shadow over the eye. This is a sign of retinal detachment
Reports a black blurry hole in the center of vision. This is a sign of macular degeneration
Floaters and flashing lighters are signs of retinal detachment
Sustained noise at what level can lead to progressive hearing loss? 90db
Hispanic culture-- a healer in the community who involves the family and provides care in the pts home curandero
What blood level should chelatin therapy be given? Lead >45
Created by: smcook



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