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Unit III Pharm

Things I Keep forgetting

Spectrum of Activity for Metronidazole Anaerobes and Parasites
Medications that treat H. pylori Metronidazole
Drug that has Disulfiram-like effects Metronidazole
Trade name for metronidazole Flagyl
MOA of Metronidazole Reeactive metabolite damage of DNA and other molecules
Drugs that need renal adjustment PCN's Cephalosporins, Vancomycin Fluroquinolones TMP/SMX Clarithromycin
Drugs with ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity TMP/SMP and Aminoglycosides
Drugs that cause False + fever B.lactams, penicillins, cephs, salicylates, phenytoin
5 Intracellular pathogens Neisseria Mycoplasm Chlamydia Legeionella Ureaplasm
3 atypical pneumonia pathogens mycoplasms legionella chlamedia species
Most important pathogen in intra-abdominal infections pseudomonas
Useful for exercise-induced asthma when taken 30m prior to exercise LABA's
Use of leukotriene modifiers asthma and allergic rhinitis exercise induced asthma`
SE's of SABA's Tremor, ^HR, palpatations
Indications for Omalizumab >12 yo, + skin test to perennial aeroallergens moderate-severe symptoms
What is primatene? sm doses of epinephrine: OTC mist and tablets works < 1 hr
5 R's in smoking cessation revalance, risks, rewards, roadblocks, repetition
What Fagerstrom score is more serious? 6 or greater, indicates ^ withdrawl sxs and more difficult to quit
Drug Interactions w/ Bupropion Carbamazepine, Cimetidine, MAO inhibitors
Drugs given through DPI's Diskus Fluticasone & Advair
DPI's Aerolizer Formoterol
DPI's HandiHaler Tiotropium
Purpose for Spacers? Allows evaporation of propellant b4 inhalation (no real clinical benifit)
Nebulized products Beta agonists, corticosterioids, anticholinergics
ACT guidelines Asthma Control Test >20 well controlled 16-19 not well controlled <16 poorly controlled
Empiric Therapy based on what likely pathogens at site of infection patient hx local susceeptibility
Penicillin MIC values Sensitive: /2.0
Tx for CA-MRSA TMP/SMX, Clindamycin, Doxycycline
Doxycycline tx's CA-MRSA, CA-pneumonia, DOC: early lyme dz
Tx for H. pylori A. T. M Amoxacillin Tetracycline Metronidizole
Chelation occurs w/ what drugs FQ's and Doxy
What drug interacts with most food Erythromycin
Common bacterial pathogens for Acute bronchitis Mycoplama P. Chlamydia pneumonia Bordetella pertussis
Pathogens for HAP P Pseudomonas. S. Staph E. E. coli K. Klebsilla Acinetobacter
Pathogens for CAP Mycoplasm pnemonia clamydia legionells
Pathogens for acute bronchitis mycoplama chlamydia bordetella pertussis
Pathogens for AECB C. and M. pneomonia H. flu S. pneumonia M. Cat
uncommon sxs of AECB fever chills
CA-pnemonia Outpatient tx for health individual Macrolide or Doxycyline althernative
CAP comorbitity Outpatient tx or ABO with last 3 m or >25% Macrolide resistance to s. pneumo Resp. FQ Macrolide + B-lactam(high dose amoxacillin or Augmentin) Alternative to macrolide is doxycycline  Alternative beta-lactams include ceftriaxone (Rocephin), cefpodoxime (Vantin), cefuroxime axetil (Ceftin) 500 mg bid
CA-MRSA tx Bactrum Clindamycin Doxycycline
When is zanamivir CI those w/ underlying airway dz (inhaled)
Amantadine (Symmetrel®) & Rimantadine (Flumadine®) tx & SE Influenza A, psychological effects,
What is SARS Severe acute respiratory syndrome
Three types of anthrax infection GI, inhalation, cutaneous (95%)
Tx of inhalation anthrax Cipro, Leviofloxacin, or doxycycline PLUS CLindamycin and/or rifampin
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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