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APICS Detailed schedule and execution vocab
Question | Answer |
Joint replenishment | Coordinating the lot sizing and order rel decision for the related items and treating them as a family of items. The objective is to achieve lower costs b/c of ordering,setup, shipping and qty discount economies. |
Where does joint replenishment apply? | This term applies equally to joint ordering (family contracts) and to composite part(group technology) fabrication scheduling. |
Last in, first out (LIFO) | A method of inventory valuation for accounting purposes. The accounting assumption is that the most recently received (last in) is the first to be used or sold (first out) for costing purposes, but there is no necessary rel with real phys move of spec. |
Load profile | A display of future capacity requirements based on released and/or planned order over a given span of time. Same as Load Projection |
Load projection | Same as Load Profile: A display of future capacity requirements based on released and/or planned order over a given span of time |
Lot splitting | Dividing a lot into 2 or more sublots and simultaneously processing each sublot on identical (or very similar) facilities as separate lots, usually to compress LT or to expedite a small qty |
Low-level code | A number that identifies the lowest level in any BOM at which a particular cmpnt appears. Net reqs for a given cmpnt are not calced until all the gross reqs have been calced down to that lvl. Lo-lvl codes are normally calced and maintained in comp sftware |
Machine center | A production area consisting of 1 or more machines (and, if appropriate for cap planning, the necessary support personnel) that can be considered as 1 unit for cap reqs planning and detailed scheduling. |
Machine hours | The amount of time, in hours, that a machine is actually running. Machine hours, rather than labor hours, may be used for planning capacity for scheduling, and for allocating costs. |
Machine loading | The accumulation by wrkstation, machine, or machine grp of hrs generated from the sched of ops for rel orders by time period. Machine loading differs from cap reqs planning in that it does not use planned orders from MRP but operates solely from rel order |
Material-dominated scheduling (MDS) | A technique that schedules mats before processors (equipment or cap). this technique facilitates the efficient use of materials. MDS can be used to schedule each stage in a process flow scheduling system. MRP systems use material-dominated schedu logic. |
Mixed-flow scheduling | A procedure used in some process industries for building process train schedules that start at an initial stage and wrk toward the terminal process stages. This procedure is eff. for sched where svral bttlN stages may exist. DetSched done @ ea bttlN stag. |
Network planning | A generic term for techniques that are used to plan complex projects. 2 of the best known network planning techniques are critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) |
landed cost | This cost includes the product cost plus the costs of logistics, such as warehousing, transportation, and handling fees. |
life cycle assessment (LCA) | Understanding the human and environmental aspects and impacts during the life of a product, process, or service, including energy, material, and environmental input and outputs. Sometimes called cradle to grave analysis. |
nongovernmental organization (NGO) | A legally constituted organization that operates independently from any government. The term is usually applied only to organizations that pursue some wider social aim with political aspects, but that are not overtly political organizations |