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como agua para choco

picada cut, chopped
mollera head (crown)
un trozo a piece
el molesto lagrimeo the act of shedding tears
ser igual de sensible to be equal in feeling
llanto crying
sollozo sob
parto birth
tomillo, laurel, cilantro, ajos thyme, laurel, cilantro, garlic
la consabida nalgada the same old thing
loseta floor tile
nodriza wet nurse
desplumar a las gallinas to pluck the hens
hornearse to bake
llorar de balde to cry buckets, cry freely
colindar con la puerta to be adjacent to the door
la huerta, la hortaliza garden vegetables
pasmado astonished, stunned
integrarse to integrate, make up/compose
el comal a type of pan
una soberana paliza "a real walloping," a bad beating
moler especies to grind spices
relleno stuffed
encoger el alma to shrink the soul
pedir la mano to ask the hand (in marriage)
un ligera falla a light mistake, small fault
llevar a cabo to carry out
hilvanar to tack (sewing)
las puntadas stiches
deshacer to undo, destroy
el flojo y el mezquino doble su camino the lazybones and the mean person double their path
el desconcierto disorder, confusion
charola con cafe coffee tray
agasajar to lavish attention, to treat kindly
las teleras plow pin?
el frio sobrecogedor overwhelming cold
un hoyo negro black hole
brotar burbujas to sprout bubbles, sweat
almendras de alberchigo almonds of a peach tree?
una azumbre de agua half gallon of water
aflojar la piel to loosen the skin
ahuyentar de su mente to scare/drive away your mind - go crazy?
zapatos de estambre shoes of wool
un colcha bedspread
tejer a gancho to knit with a hook
hasta los recovedos de la memoria toward the ... of memory?
un rito a rite, ritual
pelar los ajos to peel the garlic
al buen entendedor pocas palabras to someone who understands well, few words are needed
acudir a la mente to come to mind
la senectud old age
sobrevivir to survive
el fallecimiento de sus progenitoras the death of their parents/mothers
hilvar ?
coser to sew
infinidad de bofetadas an infinity of slaps
charola tray
receta recipe
impregnarse to impregnate
hervir to boil
bocadillos sandwiches
vacio empty
hueco hollow
la masa espesa the thick mass/mixture
espesar to thicken
el pastel de boda wedding cake
180 invitados 180 guests
170 huevos 170 eggs
poner los huevos en reserva to put the eggs in reserve?
cebo de carne derretido bait of melted meat...?
una vasija container
una orza container
elaborar el pastel to make the cake
batir to beat, whisk
un estremeciemiento a shudder, shiver, trembling
los capones chickens
ponerse a engordar to fatten up, gain weight
pretextar una jaqueca to claim to have a headache, to give someone a headache?
la advertencia de Mama Elena her warning
temblar to tremble
una bofetada fenomenal a phenomenal slap
batir con frenesi to beat/whisk in a frenzy
piar to cheep, tweet
los pillidos typo? pillada = trick, sham?
colmarle la paciencia to fulfill the patience
espolvorearse to dust, sprinkle
la ralladura de limon grated lemon rind
una espatula a spatula
la masa the mass
la harina tamizada sifted flour
engrasar un molde to grease a pan
cocer (cuece) to cook (cooked)
la mirada escrutadora scrutinizing look?
no llevarse bien to deal or cope badly with something
encargarse de su educaciĆ³n culinaria to instruct a culinary education
un amor incomensurable an immeasurable love
Created by: bloscocco
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