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JV Quiz Team I


was a member of the "Wednesday Society", believed sex drive was NOT the motivating factor behind behavior Alfred Adler
wrote On Death and Dying, 5 stages of grief Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
conducted the small world experiment, obedience to authority Stanley Milgram
developed the hierarchy of needs where self transcendence is the highest stage Maslow
conducted by Philip Zimbardo in 1971 at Stanford, students given roles of 'prisoners' and 'guards' Stanford Prison experiment
identified 'imprinting', Fly-Away home movie Konrad Lorenz
the pyramid of needs with basic needs at the bottom is called _________ Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
stages of moral development, the 'Westermark' effect Lawrence Kohlberg
leader of 'humanistic psychology', founded 'client-centered' psychology Carl Rogers
repeated studies of the same subjects over long periods of time are called _______ longitudinal studies
the use of consequences to modify voluntary behavior is called ________ operant conditioning
the use of stimuli to modify involuntary behavior is called ________ classical conditioning
the method that trains patients to control involuntary physiological processes is called ___________ biofeedback
the stress that occurs when reality doesn't match up with previously held thoughts or beliefs is called ______ cognitive dissonance
when someone comes to the conclusion that they have no control over their situation it is called ____________ learned helplessness
the scientific measurement of knowledge and personality is called ____________ psychometrics
the projective personality test that uses ink blots Rorschach test
the personality test that places subjects into 16 personality types Myers-Briggs test
the coiner of terms 'eugenics' and 'nature vs. nurture' Francis Galton
the rise of mean IQ scores over time for humans is called the ___________ Flynn effect
an IQ test developed by Lewis Termon in 1916 Stanford-Binet scale
Russian founder of 'classical conditioning', won the Nobel Prize in medicine, experimented on dogs Ivan Pavlov
founder of behaviorism, 12 infants theory, 'Little Albert' experiment John B. Watson
the idea that there is no such thing as 'the mind', psychology can be explained by behavior rather than in terms of introspection behaviorism
a proponent of 'radical behaviorism', invented the 'air crib' and the 'operant conditioning chamber' B.F. Skinner
theiry that holds that the mind must be viewed holistically or that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts Gestalt
Swiss psychologist noted for his 'cognitive theory of development' Jean Piaget
father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud
Freud described the three parts of the psyche called _________________ id, ego, superego
Freud's student, argues with Freud over the importance of the sex drive Carl Jung
author of Gandhi's Truth and Young Man Luther, developed the concept of the "identity crisis" Erik Erikson
operant conditioning chamber Skinner Box
Created by: kcshiker
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