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French vocabulary

les manigances (f,pl) monkey business; crooked deal
sévère severe; stern; strict; hard (climate)
le rappel reminder; recall (politics); curtain call; back-motion; back pay; booster shot
le rappel à l'ordre to call to order
rappeler to recall (politics); call back; remind
se rappeler to recall; remember
rapiécer to patch, mend
trier to sort (out)
les déchets (m, pl) scraps; waste; trash; dregs, scum
réussir to succeed; make a success of; pass (exam)
la magnétoscope VCR
être au bon service to have a good connection (phone)
ma batterie est à plat my battery is (going) dead
plutôt rather, sooner; somewhat; quite
plutôt que rather than; sooner than
le serpent à sonnettes rattlesnake
le serpent à lunettes cobra
le hochet rattle; toy (fig)
hocher la tête to shake or nod one's head
j'avais pu renoncer à jouer la clarinette I had to give up playing the clarinet
ne faire semblant de rien pretend to take no notice; act the innocent
faire semblant de + inf to pretend to + inf
faire semblant de + ger to make a show of + inf
la toupie top (toy)
le concret concrete
concréter to solidify
concrétiser to materialize
ramener to bring/take back; restore; reduce; draw up, pull back
se ramener à to come down to, be nothing more than
ramer to row
amener to bring, take; bring about, cause; bring up
s'amener to show up, turn up
le trajet path, way, route; ride, flight (aviation)
le trajet de plus direct the most direct path
affirmer to assert, contend; assert (authority)
s'affirmer to assert oneself
affleurer to make even or flush; to come to the surface
superposer to superimpose
les lits superposés (m,pl) bunk beds
passer par to go through
où est-il passé where did he go?
passons! let's skip it!
passons aux choses sérieuses Let's turn to serious matters
passer un coup de fil à qqn to phone s.o. up
passer qch en fraude to smugger s.t.
se passer to happen
se passer de to do without
tracer to draw; write; open up (route)
la trachée-artère windpipe
la trace trail; tracks
Created by: DanMax
Popular French sets




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