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PharmI - Fall 2011

Worldwide, what is the #1 cause of death in children? Diarrhea
What are the MC causes of N and V? -Infection (gastroenteritis) -Preg -Meds -Motility d/o's (diabetic gastroparesis)
Vomiting is triggered by afferent impulses to cells in the medulla, where are these impulses received? -Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) -Cerebral cortex -Vestibular apparatus -Visceral afferents from GI tract
Impulses to the zones initiating vomiting results in? Efferent signals to GI tract and other tissues, resulting in vomiting
T or F: drugs can also interact w/ receptors in GI tract to result in vomiting? TRUE
Where is the vomiting center located? Medulla
WHat is the *KEY* for treating N and V? Esp in children and elderly? Hydration!
What is it called when N&V occur b4 an expected event? Anticipatory N&V
What is usually used to treat anticipatory N&V? and why? Benzodiazepines (ex:lorazepam)--d/t their amnestic effects (helps them "not remember the bad stuff")
What is it called when there is N&V despite the use of std anti-emetic therapy? -Refractory N&V
What does effective tx for refractory N&V usually require? Combo anti-emetic regimens that work at more than one site of action &/or MOA
MOA of anticholinergics? Block muscarinic receptors in vestibular system
What is an example of an anticholinergic drug used to treat motion sickness? Scopolamine (Patch - OTC)--place behind ear
What are some common AEs of anticholinergics such as scopolamine? Dry mouth, drowsiness, impaired eye accommodation
MOA of anti-histamines? -Block H1 and muscarinic receptors in vestibular system
2 examples of anti-histamine anti-emetics? Dimenhydrinate, Meclizine
Which drug classes block muscarinic receptors? Antihistamines, anticholinergics
Created by: ferrier.kath
Popular Pharmacology sets




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