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Random Pharm Exam4

Pharm 1 - Fall 2011

Volume depletion involving third-space sequestration? -Fracture -Acute Pancreatitis -Crush injury -Intest obstrux
Muscle wkness can be caused by? Hypo or Hyperkalemia
Polyuria and Polydipsia can be caused by? Hyperglycemia or severe hypokalemia
Lethargy, confusion, seizures, and coma can be d/t? HypoNa+, HyperNa+, Hyperglycemia
Rate of repletion for severe volume depletion or hypovolemic shock? 1-2L NS as quick as poss! (to restore tiss perfusion) -Then: Fluid repletion is continued at rapid rate until clinical signs normalize
Rate of repletion for mild to mod hypovolemia? 50-100mL/hr in excess of continued losses
What is the estimated insensible loss per hr? 30-50mL/hr
Overly rapid correction of which substance may lead to irreversible neuro damage? Plasma Na+ Concentration
If pt on IV fluids for long pd...remember to monitor? Ca, Cl, P, Mg (and vitamins and proteins)
Hypotonic soln may cause what in the very ill or when used for prolonged pd of time? Hyponatremia
Replacement of insensible losses should be with? Hypotonic Saline or 5% dextrose
1L of IV fluid weighs? 1 kg
Excess mg can cause? Diarrhea
Excess Ca, Al can cause? Constipation
Drug interax w/ Cimetidine? (Is an H2RA) -CYP450 Inhib (^Cp of anticoags, theophylline, phenytoin)
What is a ?able RF for NSAID-induced PUD? Cig smoking
Does Ibuprofen or Naproxen have a higher GI toxicity? Naproxen
How to prevent NSAID-induced ulcers in those at high risk? Px w/ Misoprostol or PPI (works as well as misoprotol, but better tolerated)
Std doses of a PPI and a non-selective NSAID are just as effective as a what in reducing the risk of NSAID-induced ulcers and upper GI complications? Cox-2 inhibs
What do H2RAs prevent and what don't they (in NSAID-induced ulcers)? Prevent duodenal ulcers, NOT gastric ulcers
Sucralfate and Antacids are not effective for prevention of? NSAID-induced ulcers
How long does it usually take for an ulcer to heal? ~4wks (gastric ulcers take longer to heal vs duodenal ulcers)
If have an ulcer and NSAID must be continued,what is the tx of choice? PPI
H2RA and PPI provide symptomatic relief at what point after starting them for an ulcer? ~1 wk
Relief of ulcer pain DOES NOT directly correlate with? Ulcer healing
Pt presents w/ ulcer-like sxs...what are alarm sxs? Bleeding, wt loss, anemia
Drugs that decrs LES tone? CCBs, Estrogens, Theophylline, Nitrates, Narcotics, Nicotine, Progesterone, Ethanol, Caffeine
Meals rich in what are recommended for those with GERD that can augment the LES tone? Protein-rich meals
Water and electrolyte losses during acute diarrhea are what kind of losses? Isotonic losses (so should be replaced as "isotonic")
Types of diarrhea? Secretory, osmotic, exudative, Altered intest transit
If someone is infected w/ E.coli, why should you not kill the pathogen? Killing it will cause it to release its toxins and cause even worse problems
Why shouldn't you eat solids when have diarrhea? If have a pathogen, don't want to keep it in there
MC bacterial pathogens of AOM from MC to LC? S.pneumo>H.flu>
35% of S.pneumo of AOM is resistant d/t what? Altered PBP sites
Resis S.pneumo is espec prev in who? (for AOM) Kids <2yo, in daycare, receivd abx therapy in last 3 mo's
H.flu of AOM may present concominantly with? Conjunctivitis
A dx of AOM requirs? 1. Hx of acute onset of sx/signs 2. MEE 3. Signs/sx of midd ear inflamm
Created by: ferrier.kath
Popular Pharmacology sets




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