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Herb:Stop Bleeding

Herbs that stop blood

What are four factors that cause bleeding? 1.Excess Heat 2.Decifient Heat(Yin-Xu) 3.Qi deficiency (Esp. Sp Qi-Xu) 4.Blood Stagnation
What are four types of herbs that stop bleeding 1.Cool the blood(<-bleeding due to excess heat) 2.Astringe blood(<-NOT to be used for blood stagnation) 3. Transforming blood stasis 4.Warm the channels and meridians (<-due to Qi, Yang Xu)
What is the common property and channel of blood-stopping herbs? Cold, Liver channel
Generally how is the herb prepared for stopping bleeding? Charred
Da Ji Sweet/Cool/ Lv,Sp *Treats bleeding due to both Heat &Stagnation* 1.Cools the blood &stops bleeding. Esp.,Upper Jiao bleeding(Lu, St) 2. disperse blood stasis& Reduces swelling(early stage sores& carbuncles) 3. Reduces hypertension(due to Lv Yang rising)
Di Yu Bitter, Sour/Slightly cold/ Lv,LI,St 1.Coold blood &stops bleeding/Esp., LJ blood heat(hemorrhoids, bloody dysentery, abnormal uterine bleeding) 2. Clears toxic heat& generates flesh(sores, ulcers, Burn injuries)
Huai Hua Mi Bitter/ Cool/ Lv, LI 1.Cools blood& stops bleeding(due to BLOOD HEAT).Esp., bleeding in LJ 2. Clears Lv heat and drains fire(headache, red eyes due to Lv fire), Hypertension 3.Anti allergy(pollen), acne
Ce Bai Ye Bitter,Astringent/Slightly cold/ Ht,Lv,LI*ALL bleeding from EVERYWHERE that is due to excess heat* 1.Coold blood&stops bleeding 2.Transforms phlegm and stops coughing(coughing with copious sputum due to Lu heat)
Bai Mao Gen Sweet/cold Lu,St,SI,UB 1.Cools blood& stops bleeding(due to blood heat),UJ bleeding,uterine bleeding 2.Clears heat&promotes urination/ hot-Lin,Bloody Lin,edema 3.Clears Lu heat(->coughing)& St heat (vomitting),warm febrile disease w/ irritability
Xian He Cao Bitter,Acrid/Neutral/Lu,Lv,Sp 1.Restrains leakage of blood&stops bleeding(various kinds of bleeding EXCEPT due to Blood Stagnation!) 2.Reduces food stagnation 3.(Chronic) diarrhea and dysentery(<-due to its restraining nature) 4. Kills Parasites 5.Cancer
Xue Yu Tan Bitter/Neutral 1.Restrains leakage of blood &stops bleeding AND Transforms blood stasis-Various bleeding INCLUDING due to blood stasis 2. Promotes urination/ Lin Syndrome,esp., bloody Lin syn.
Ou Jie Sweet, Astringent/Neutral/ Lu,St,Lv 1.Retains leakage of blood &stops bleeding AND Transforms blood stasis. Most often used for bleeding due to heat in Lu and St
San Qi Sweet,Slightly bitter/Warm/ Lv,St,LI 1.Stops bleeding *transforms blood stasis.Esp., bleeding with blood stagnation 2.Reduces swelling&alleviates pain(traumatic injuries with swelling & pain due to blood stasis) 3.Angina 4.caution w/ blood,Yin deficiency
Qian Cao Gen Bitter/Cold/ Ht,Lv *Both blood Heat& blood Stagnation 1.Cools blood& stops bleeding 2.Invigorates the blood& unblocks the channels(amenorrhea due to blood stasis, traumatic injuries, Bi syn.)
Pu Huang Sweet,Acrid/Neutral/ Lv,Ht,Sp 1. Stops bleeding(various kinds including due to blood stasis) 2.Invigorates the blood& dispels blood stasis/chest pain, postpartum abdominal pain, menstrual pain due to blood stasis
Ai Ye Bitter, Acrid/Warm 1.Warms channels &stops bleeding(<-due to deficient cold).Warm LJ,vomitting due to MJ deficient cold 2.Disperse cold& alleviates pain(dysmenrrhea, infertility&epigastric/ab pain) 3.Warms uterus & calms fetus 4.Eczema(topically)
Which two herbs stop bleeding due to both heat and blood stagnation? Da Ji & Qian Cao Gen
Which bleeding stopping herb cools blood and is used for upper body bleeding(Lu & St)? Da Ji
Which bleeding stopping herbs cool blood and used for hypertension? Da Ji, Huai Hua Mi
Which bleeding stopping herb cools blood and stops bleeding especially in LJ? Di Yu & Huai Hua Mi
Which bleeding stopping herb cools blood, cleat toxic heat and generate flesh? Di Yu
Which bleeding stopping herb cools blood and clears Liver heat? Huai Hua Mi
Which bleeding stopping herb cools bleeding in everywhere due to blood heat and transforms phlegm & stops coughing? Ce Bai Ye
Which Bleeding stopping herb cools blood and promotes urination? Bai Mao Gen
Which two Bleeding Stopping herbs can used to for Lu heat & St heat? Bai Mao Gen & Ou Jie
Which Bleeding stopping herb restrains leakgae of blood, reduce food stagnation and kills parasites? Xian He Cao
Which Bleeding stopping herb restrain leakage of blood and reduces swelling and generates flesh? Bai Ji
Which Bleeding stopping herb is NOT compatible with Wu Tou or Fu Zi? Bai Ji
Which Bleeding stopping herb restrain leakage of blood AND transform stasis and promotes urination? Xue Yu Tan
Which Bleeding stopping herb restrain leakage of blood AND transform stasis and used in bleeding due to Lu/St heat? Ou Jie
Which Bleeding stopping herb transforms stasis and reduces swelling & alleviates pain? San Qi
Which Bleeding stopping herb unblocks the channels? Qian Cao Gen
Which Bleeding stopping herb invigorates blood, dispels stasis and alleviates pain due to blood stasis? Pu Huang
Which Bleeding stopping herb is the main ingredient of 'Sudden Smile Power' with Wu Ling Jhi? Pu Huang
Which Bleeding stopping herb warms the channel, calms the fetus? Ai Ye
Which Bleeding stopping herb can not be used in bleeding due to Blood stasis? Xian He Cao & Bai Ji
Which Bleeding stopping herb can be used for Bloody Lin syndrome? Bai Mao Gen
Which Bleeding stopping herb is used for diarrhea and dysentery? Xian He Cao
Which Bleeding stopping herb is used with Da Zao for chronic injury from physical working and also for thrombocytopenia purpura? Xian He Cao
Which Bleeding stopping herb restrain leakage and used for bleeding due to peptic ulcer? Bai Ji
Which two Bleeding stopping herbs promote urination and used for Blood Lin Syndrome? Bai Mao Gen, Xue Yu Tan
Which Bleeding stopping herb restrain the leakage of the blood and is mainly used for uterine bleeding? Xue Yu Tan
Which Bleeding stopping herb transforms blood stasis and is used for angina? San Qi
Which two Bleeding stopping herb need to be used with caution in case of pregnancy? San Qi & Pu Huang
Which Bleeding stopping herb is used for topically for eczema? Ai Ye
Name four herbs that astringe to stop bleeding. Xian He Cao, Bai Ji, Xue Yu Tan, Ou Jie
Name Six herbs that transform stasis. San Qi, Qian Cao Gen, Pu Huang, Da Ji, Xue Yu Tan, Ou Jie
Which herbs both astringe blood and transform stasis? Xue Yu Tan & Ou Jie
Created by: junskykim
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