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Pharm I

MC bacterial pathogen for pharyngitis GABHS 40% viral cases
Features of viral pharyngitis etiology sore throat w/ conjunctivitis, coryza, cough, diarrhea
Infectious complications of GABHS pharyngitis Peritonsillar and retropharyngeal abscess
Non infectious complications of GABHS Rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis
Drug of choice and dosing for Strep pharyngitis Penicillin V PO Kids: 250mg bid/tid 10days Adults 250mg tid or qid, 500mg bid, 10 days
Alternative for penicillin in strep pharyngitis amoxicillin for taste
If adhearence is an issue for strep abx, what is an alternative to PO penicillin IM benzathine penicillin G 1.2 x10^6U or 6.0 x10^5 for <27kg for adults, 1 dose
Oral options for PCN allergy for strep pharyngitis Erythromycin or 1st-gen ceph 10 days
Abx options for recurrent pharyngitis Clindamycin or Augmentin
Sxs resolve when for Strep pharyngitis 24-48hrs MUST take full course to dec. risk of RF
Acute sinusitis ≥3 a year recurrent sinusitis
Factors that contribute to acute sinusitis obstruction of sinus ostia, impaired ciliary fxn, viscous secreations, impaired host immunity
Factors that contribute to chronic sinusitis mucosal hyperplasia, eosinophilic tissue infiltrate, polyps
MC cause of acute sinusitis Viral, IF bacterial H.flu, S. pneumo, M. cat
Tx of acute sinusitis Supportive, Decongestants, Acetaminophen and NSAIDS
Dosing for Acetaminophen and NSAIDS A: 10-15mg/kg po q4-6 hrs, Adults: up to 1000mg tid/qid, Ibuprofen: 5-10mg/kg q 6-8hrs Adult: 250mg po q6-8hrs
Other tx’s for acute sinusitis NS, 2nd gen. antihistamines (only w/ allergic), Nasal corticosteroids, expectorants (water!)
When are abx prescribed for acute sinusitis mod-sev sxs >10days, sxs worsen after initial improvement, pt’s w/ severe sxs
Initial therapy for bacterial sinusitis No recent abx: Amoxicillin, Augmentin 1st gen. cephs, PCN allergy: clarithromycin, azithromycin Recent abx: Augmentin and Respiratory FQ’s PCN allergy: same
Respiratory FQ’s Gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin (5days)-azithromycin too
Clinical failure of Abx tx for sinusitis post 3 days Same as initial w/o amoxicillin, Recent abx: Resp. FQ’s 10 days for most tx
Etiology of Epiglottits trauma/thermal injury but Kids: strep pneumo, pyogenes, S. aureus (H.flu rare but serious ) adults Groupd A strep
High fever, sore throat, dyspnea, rapidly progressive respiratory obstruction Serious sxs of epiglottis
4 D’s Drooling, Dysphagia, Dysphonia (horsness) Distress (resp)-seen in epiglottis
Onset of epiglottis 2-4hrs in kids, days in adults
Tx for epiglottis Establish airway! Abx: 3rd gen ceph: Cefotaxime/Ceftriaxone, Alt: ampicillin-sulbactam or Bactram
Household tx for those w/o Hib vaccine for epiglottitis rifampin
Clinical presentation of viral URI Sneezing, coryza, nasal obstruction, ST, cough/hoarseness, malaise, fever/chills, HA
Tx of Viral URI supportive, Analgesics, Decongestants >6yo, maybe antihistamines , Anticholinergics,
When would antitussives be recommended non-productive Codeine, Dextromethorphan (usually >3wks no <6yo)
Reasons against abx for viral Diarrhea, skin rxn, may cause ER visit, resistance
Rating classifications for drugs ABCDE: strength of recommendation A good for use, E against use, I,II,III: quality of evidence I: many studies III: some expert advise
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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