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Allergic Rhinitiss

Pharm I

Major RF’s for Allergic Rhinitis Fhx allergies, elevated IgE levels especially before 6yo, High SE class, +skin test, Emigration into western industrialized environment
Airborne pollen grains from trees, grasses and weeds/mold spores too Seasonal Rhinitis
Mold spores, indoor allergens, Dust mite fecal proteins, animal dander, cockroaches perennial rhinitis
How does the immune response occur mast cells have IgE receptors/ab which will bind the allergens, signas mast cells to release histamine causing inflammatory response
Histamine, prostaglandin, and leukotrines causes hinorrhea, itching, sneezing, obstruction 1st immune response to allergens: secs-mins post exposure
Cytokines release causes persistant sxs of allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion 2nd immune phase usually 4-8hrs post exposure to allergen
Allergic Rhinitis tx removal of allergen, pt/fm education, pharmacotherapy for sxs, specific immunotherapy
Gold standard for allergic rhinitis tx & dosing Nasal Corticosteroids : fluticasone: 2sprays/nostril then 1 spray qd maintenance
AE’s of fluticasones well tolerated, sneezing, HA, epistaxis, rare candida infx,
Onset of effect/peak for Nasal corticosteroids start: 12 hrs, peak 1-2 weeks, educate pt
Things to avoid post nasal corticosteroid use Sneezing blowing nose for 10 mins
First line therapies for allergic rhinitis Nasal corticosteroids & antihistamines
AE’s of antihistamines and examples Loratadine (claratin): sedation and anticholinergic effectsfor 1st generation,
Onset of antihistamines 1-2 hrs PO, 30 mins intranasal
Second line therapy for allergic rhinitis Decongestant: pseudoephedrine oral, Oxymetazoline (afrin) nasal, H1RA/Decon combo, Mast cell stabilizers, Leukotrien RA, Anticholinergics, Saline, Omalizumab
AE’s of decongestants Nasal: rhinitis medicamentosa Oral: ^Bp and HR, cause mild CNS stimulation (insomnia) stroke, avoid pt’s HTN
Tx for Rhinitis Medicamentosa Nasal corticosteroid up to 6wks taper over 2 wks, or 7day PO CS burst
Indications for leukotriene receptor antagonists Montelukast: for pt’s w/ both asthma and AR
Indications for anticholingergics ipratropium nasal spray, for sxs relief, doesn’t tx allergies
What will improve sneezing and nasal congestion and can be montherapy or adjunctive Salin: neti pot
Indications for omalizumab SEVERE allegic asthma, very expensive, approved for asthma but not AR
Slow gradual process of injecting increasing doses of antigens responsible for allergic sxs Immunotherpy, skin testing, for those whose sever sxs cannot be controlled
Mild intermittent first line therapy for AR Oral antihistamine: 2nd generation
Adjunctive/secondary therapy to mild AR Add OTC oral decongestant, short-term intranasal decongestant, nasal irrigation, immunotherapy?
First line for persistent or moderate-severe AR Intranasal corticosteroid, add oral antihistamine
Secondline for Mod-sever AR add Short term OTC intranasal DC, nasal irrigation, ipratropium for uncontrolled rhinorrhea, could replace 1st line w/ montelukast
Tx for episodic AR Intranasal cromolyn, antihistamine, corticosteroid
Monitoring perameters for AR Efficacy and tolerability, adherence, effect of dz on pt's life, pt satisfaction
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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