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Exam Wordly Wise

companion one who spends time with you
compatible getting along well together
obedient doing what is asked or told
obstacle something that prevents one from moving forward
pedestrian a person who is walking
retire to stop working
aroma a pleasent smell
bland to have not a lot of taste
brittle fragile not flexible
clustered a nubmer of similar things grouped together
cultivated to prepare land for growing
extract to remove or take out of
despair to lose all hope
deteriorate to make or become worse
gale a very strong wind
jubilation a feeling or expression of great joy
navigate to direct a ship or aircraft
nostalgic a longing for a certain time in the past
revive to make or become strong again
sever to break off
crevice a deep narrow opening in a rock caused by a split or crack
foolhardy unwisely bold or daring
lure to tempt or atract with a promise of something good
makeshift a temporary and usually less strong replacement
summit the highest part or the top
thwart to block or defeat the plans of something
vertical upright
escalate to go up or increase in size or number
grim cruel, mean, bad
inflict to cause something painful to be felt
meddle to involve oneself in other's afairs
steadfast unchanging
ascend to rise in a steady way
flimsy easily damaged or broken
mimic to copy or imitate
significant important, full of meaning
soar to fly high in the sky
brace to make stronger by giving support to
exult to show great happiness
hanger a place where aircrafts are stored
solo made or done for 1 person
Created by: izzieboobear
Popular Literature sets




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