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Mod 1 Week 2

Chp. 4 PT

It is especially important that a person taking sulfonamides does what? Avoid the sun and drink lots of water.
The primary side effect of Augmentin is what? Diarrhea
Penicillin should be taken with what? Water
The drug of choice for "strep throat" is what? Penicillin
Which drug is effective against anthrax? Doxycycline
The drug of choice for Rocky Mountain spotted fever is what? Doxycycline
Which drug is it very important to take with food? Nitrofurantoin
You can not drink milk with which drug? Sumycin
Which drug has a large amount of sugar in the oral liquid dosage form? Omnicef
Clindamycin has a special affinty for what? Bone
T/F Alcohol has no offect on the patient taking Flagyl. False
T/F Quinolones can be used safely with theophylline and antacids. False
T/F It could be very dangerous to dispense an out-of-date tetracycline True
T/F Ceclor is the drug of choice for strep throat. False
T/F Someone who is allergic to penicillin will also be allergic to cephalosporins. False
T/F A nosocmial infection is community-acquired. False
T/F The onset of fever is alwyas diagnostic of bacterial infection. False
T/F Sulfanoamide drugs may be used for UTI's and GI upset. False
T/F The major side effects of an aminoglycoside are ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. True
T/F The most common side effect of sulfonamides is a rash. True
List six ways antibiotics work. 1-prevent folic acid synthesis 2-block protein formation 3-interfer with DNA 4-disrupt cell membranes 5-disrupt DNA structure 6-impaire cell wall formation.
Give three penicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations that are frequently use. clavulanate, amoxicillin, ticarcillin (ADD b or g name to above.
How do bactericidal antibiotic and a bacteriostatic antibiotic differ? bactericidal kills, bacteriostatic inhibits growth of bacteria.
How do nosocomial and community acquired infection differ? nosocomial is acquired in the hospital, community is acquired anywhere else.
Define superinfection. A new infection complicating the course of therapy of an existing therapy.
Which auxillary labels would you put on a sulfa perscription if there is only room for two? Take with water and Stay out of the sun.
Created by: Rodney C
Popular Pharmacology sets




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