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Derm/intro Final rev

Pharm I Final review

The study of action of the body on drugs Pharmacokinetics
Study of action of drugs on the body pharmacodynamics
Fraction or percentage of drug that reaches the systemic circulation bioavilability
Blood from GI tract passes thru liver before systemic circulation and metabolized prior to reaching target first pass effect
Factors that influence absorption Ionization state (unionized), molecular wt, solubility (lipophilicity), formulation,
What types of drugs readily diffuse small, non-ionized, lipid-soluble drugs
Patient-associated factors to drug absorbtion food in GI tract (slows), stomach acidity, blood flow to GI tract: slower abs w/ CHF, gastric emptying time
Amount of drug in body/plasma drug concentration Volume of distribution (Vd)
Drug reactions that are oxidized or reduced to a more polar form phase I rxns
Drug rxs that adds a polar group to the drug to ^ polarity phase II rxns
Systems that controls phase I rxns Cytochrome P450 system
Small Vd meals what of half life hydrophilic (trapped in plasma) small T1/2
Large Vd means what T1/2 lipophilic (into tissues) large T1/2
Drug metabolized by cytochrome P450 system Substrate (lipophilic drugs)
Drug that causes more rapid metabolism of substrate drugs Induced: chronic EtOH
Drug that causes slower metabolism of substrate drugs Inhibitor: cimetidine
Inactive substances metabolized to an active substance w/I the body prodrug
Metabolite that also has a therapeutic activity active metabolite
Factors that influence drug metabolism hepatic dysfunction, severe CHF, advanced age
Methods of elimination of drugs Filtration, secretion, reabsorption
Drugs diffuse from blood to nephron filtration
Active transport of drug into nephron secretion
Drugs reabsorbed into blood stream by diffusion from nephron tubule reabsorption
Absorption equals elimination steady state, generally reached in 5T1/2’s
Action of Alpha, B1, and B2 receptors alpha: smooth-muscle contraction, B1: cardiostimulation B2: smooth-must relaxation
Drug interactions: plasma protein binding competition distribution
Four types of drug interactions ADME absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination
1+1 equals 2 addition
1+1 equals 3 synergisim
0+1 equals 2 potentiation
1+1 equals 0 antagonism
Drugs that have the same effect on the body and nearly identical chemical structure bioequivalence
Drugs that have essentially the same effect on the body, but do not have an identical chemical structure therapeutic equivalence
Note those stupid drug approval process steps and MILESTONES GRRRRR
Steps to drug development in U.S. discovery and characterization, pre-clinical studies, IND application, Clinical studies, submission of NDA, approval of NDA, postmarketing surveillance
Rx required from a licensed prescriber legend drugs
When do we use zeros when writing prescriptions? Always b4 a decimal 0.1, NEVER trailing zero 1, not 1.0
Patho of acne vulgaris d/t ^sebum production, sloughing of keratinocytes:comednoes, propionibacterium acnes ->convert sebut to free fatty acid: inflammatory response
Length of follicular plugging ~ 4weeks until inflammatory lesion shows up
Goals of acne tx eliminate existing lesions, prevent new ones, decrease discomfort, prevent/minimize scarring
Warning to patients about results take 6-8 weeks to see improvement, may see initial flare of existing lesions
Tx for mild comedonal acne, popular pustular? Topical retinoid, Topical tetinoid + topical antimicrobial (6-8wks)
Tx for moderate acne Topical retinoid + ORAL abx +/- benzoyl peroxide (6-12wks) till efficacy
Tx for severe recalcitrant cystic acne Isotretinoin: 70% success after 16wk course (may have to repeat)
Topical Retinoids Tretinoin: Retin-A, Adapalene: Differin (same as retinoid-mimetic) more tolerated then tretinoin, Tazarotene Avage,tazorac: new generation, More irritating than tretinoin
Topical antimicrobials benzoyl peroxide: Benzagel
Topical abxs Clindamycin, Erythromycin: bacterial resistance ^ w/months, use BPO when possible
Other antimicrobials Azeliaic acid: interferes w/ bacterial DNA synthesis, may decrease post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, Dapsone: topical abx dec migration of neutrophils to interrupt inflammation cascade
Inflammatory papules and pustules w/ some noninflammatory lesions moderate acne
Oral Abx for acne Doxycycline, Minocycline, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Bactrim
CI’s for Tetracyclines for acne <8yo or preggo: permanent tooth discoloration
AE’s for tetracyclines for acne Photosensitivity and GI upset, Tetra: take on empty stomach interacts w/ dairy
Indications for Bactrim for acne can’t tolerate tetracyclines or erythromycin or resistance
Isotretinoin cycles 15-20 wks w/ 8 wk drug-free interval
Monitoring required for Isotretinoin use Pregnancy, TG’s, LFT’s, CBC’s all 4 and 8 weeks of tx, preggo: monthly
Contract providers, patients, pharmacists, and wholesalers must sign for isotretinoin iPLEDGE program
When should combo therapy be used for acne? Abx D/C’d when? W/inflammatory lesions, abx stopped when inflammatory lesions go away
When to follow-up for acne tx 6wks, (no set tx time for any drugs) or 2-3m
Inert base like petrolatum, water-in-oil emulstions good for? ointment: Retains moisture, lubricates for dermatitis (promotes bacterial growth)
Oil in water cream: non-occlusive, tinea corporis: clotrimazole cream
Semi-solid emulsion of oil in water, propylene glycol gel: for acne, quick drying, non-staining, best for hairy areas/face (bad d/t drying)
Suspenlsion or sol’n of powder in water base (often w/ alcohol or astringents) lotion: acne and scabies, cooling effect, drying: large areas (bad for hairy, weeping, oozing, dry areas)
Medication in water, alcohol, or propylene glycol solution: seborrheic dermatitis, cooling, dry’s weeping lesions, good for hair (avoid on dry skin, temporary burning)
Best applied w/ cotton puff or shaker powder: tinea pedis, absorbs moisture, cooling and drying, avoid inhaling
Good protective barrier paste: diaper dermatitis: zinc oxide
Used for all inflammatory, pruritic eruptions, hyperplastic and infiltrative disorders topical corticosteroids
CI’s for topical corticosteroids viral, fungal, TB skin lesions, herpes
AE’s for topical corticosteroids atrophy, striae, contact dermatitis, glaucoma, acne
Low potency class, high potency class for topical corticosteroids Low: class VII, high: Class I limit exposre <2wks in small areas (easily absorbed systemically)
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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