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Avance - Chapter 6
Vocab from Avance Chapter 6 "El hombre y la mujer en el mundo actual"
Spanish | English |
aspirar a | to aspire to |
desempeñar un papel | to play (fulfill) a role |
educar | to rear, bring up (children) |
socializar | to socialize |
el amo/a de casa | homemaker |
la aspiración | aspiration, goal |
el cambio | change |
la carrera | career, profession; university major |
la custodia | custody |
la educación | upbringing; education |
la expectativa | expectation |
el/la feminista | feminist |
la igualdad | equality |
la infancia | infancy |
el juguete | toy |
la juventud | childhood; youth |
el/la machista | male chauvinist |
la meta | goal, aim |
la muñeca | doll |
el papel | role |
la pelota | ball |
el prejuicio | prejudice |
el puesto | job; position |
los quehaceres domésticos | household chores |
la responsabilidad | responsibility |
la sensibilidad | (emotional) sensitivity |
la socialización | socialization |
el sueldo | salary |
la vejez | old age |
femenino/a | feminine |
feminista | feminist |
machista | male-chauvinistic |
masculino/a | masculine |
alguna vez | ever |
en cuanto a ___ | as far as ___ is concerned |
en estos días | these days |
recientemente | recently |
últimamente | lately |
aborrecer | to hate, abhor |
amenazar | to threaten |
atar | to lace up |
casarse (con) | to marry, get married (to) |
comprobar (ue) | to verify, ascertain |
convidar | to invite (to a meal) |
dar pena | to cause grief, cause pain |
odiar | to hate |
salvar | to save |
el alrededor | surroundings |
el amanecer | dawn |
el asiento | seat |
el cansancio | fatigue |
el carnicero | butcher |
la cinta | ribbon |
el cllar | necklace |
la lágrima | tear |
el lujo | luxury |
la mariposa | butterfly |
la naturaleza | nature |
la paliza | beating |
el pelo | hair |
el pendiente | earring |
la plata | silver |
asombrado/a | astonished |
borracho/a | drunk |
celoso/a | jealous |
desdichado/a | unfortunate |
estrafalario/a | odd, strange |
flaco/a | skinny |
necio/a | stupid, foolish |
soñador(a) | dreamy |
tosco/a | rough, coarse |
tener éxito | to be successful (in a particular field or activity) |
lograr | to succeed (in doing something) |
suceder | to occur, happen; to follow in succession |
asistir a | to attend (a function); to be present (at a class, meeting, etc) |
atender | to take into account, to take care of, to wait on |
ayudar | to help, to assist |
ponerse | to turn, change physical or emotional state |
volverse | to turn, change physical or emotional state (irreversible) |
llegar a ser | to change (gradually over a period of time) (effortless) |
hacerse | to change (gradually over a period of time) (on purpose) |