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Avance - Chapter 6

Vocab from Avance Chapter 6 "El hombre y la mujer en el mundo actual"

aspirar a to aspire to
desempeñar un papel to play (fulfill) a role
educar to rear, bring up (children)
socializar to socialize
el amo/a de casa homemaker
la aspiración aspiration, goal
el cambio change
la carrera career, profession; university major
la custodia custody
la educación upbringing; education
la expectativa expectation
el/la feminista feminist
la igualdad equality
la infancia infancy
el juguete toy
la juventud childhood; youth
el/la machista male chauvinist
la meta goal, aim
la muñeca doll
el papel role
la pelota ball
el prejuicio prejudice
el puesto job; position
los quehaceres domésticos household chores
la responsabilidad responsibility
la sensibilidad (emotional) sensitivity
la socialización socialization
el sueldo salary
la vejez old age
femenino/a feminine
feminista feminist
machista male-chauvinistic
masculino/a masculine
alguna vez ever
en cuanto a ___ as far as ___ is concerned
en estos días these days
recientemente recently
últimamente lately
aborrecer to hate, abhor
amenazar to threaten
atar to lace up
casarse (con) to marry, get married (to)
comprobar (ue) to verify, ascertain
convidar to invite (to a meal)
dar pena to cause grief, cause pain
odiar to hate
salvar to save
el alrededor surroundings
el amanecer dawn
el asiento seat
el cansancio fatigue
el carnicero butcher
la cinta ribbon
el cllar necklace
la lágrima tear
el lujo luxury
la mariposa butterfly
la naturaleza nature
la paliza beating
el pelo hair
el pendiente earring
la plata silver
asombrado/a astonished
borracho/a drunk
celoso/a jealous
desdichado/a unfortunate
estrafalario/a odd, strange
flaco/a skinny
necio/a stupid, foolish
soñador(a) dreamy
tosco/a rough, coarse
tener éxito to be successful (in a particular field or activity)
lograr to succeed (in doing something)
suceder to occur, happen; to follow in succession
asistir a to attend (a function); to be present (at a class, meeting, etc)
atender to take into account, to take care of, to wait on
ayudar to help, to assist
ponerse to turn, change physical or emotional state
volverse to turn, change physical or emotional state (irreversible)
llegar a ser to change (gradually over a period of time) (effortless)
hacerse to change (gradually over a period of time) (on purpose)
Created by: ericmuerto
Popular Spanish sets




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