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gun warehouse arsenal
right of people to create their own government popular sovereignty
fighting between people of the same country civil war
legal case brought to settle a dispuit between people or groups lawsuit
runaway;such as an escaped slave fugitive
actions aginst one's country treason
anyone who sacrifices his or her own life for beliefs martyr
pro slavery person who rode from Missouri to Kansas to battle antislavery forces border ruffian
What was the goal of the free-soil party? to ban slavery in western territories
To what area did the Missouri compromise apply? lands in the Louisiana purchase
What issue led to the compromise of 1850? admitting California to the union in 1850 gave free states an advantage over slave states
Why did conflict arise in 1848 in western territories over the issue of slavery? the legality of slavery had to be decided in lands added from the Mexican cession
debates over____caused violence to erupt on the senate floor Kansas-Nebraska act
what was the effect on Uncle Toms Cabin it heightened tension between the north and the south
how were the goals of the republican party and the free-soil party alike? both wanted to keep slavery out of the western territories
what was one effect of the Dred Scott decision? it was condemned by free African Americans
tax on a person's earnings income tax
northerner who opposed using force to keep the south in the union copperhead
law requiring all men between certain ages to serve in the military if called draft
rise in prices and decrease in money inflation
destruction of food and equipment that is useful to all of the enemy population, civilians as well as soilders total war
set free emancipate
right to be charged or have a hearing before being jailed habeas corpus
rule by army instead of elected government martial law
person who overcharged the government for goods desperately needed for the war profiteer
one of the bloodiest civil war battles battle of Shiloh
General Jackson's last battle Battle of Chancellorsville
one of the worst defeats for the union Battle of Fredricksburg
Who was president of the confederacy during the civil war? Jefferson Davis
why did Lincoln handle the slavery issue cautiously at the beginning of the civil war? because he wanted the border states to remain with the union
who was most likely to disapprove of the emancipation proclomation a southern planter
what did both the north and south experience during the civil war inflation
how did slaves in the south contribute to the union war effect? they refused to work on plantations
what was grant's plan for ending the war? destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy
what adjective best describe's lincoln's goal for peace? forgiving
person who farms land owned by another in exchange for part of the crops at harvest time sharecropper
examination that determined whether a voter could read and explain a section of the constitution literacy test
northerner who moved to the south after the civil war carpetbagger
law stating that a voter whose father or grandfather could vote on January 1, 1867, did not have to take the literary test grandfather clause
laws that severely limited the rights of former slaves black codes
legal separation of the races segregation
white southerner who supported the new republican governments in the south scalawag
person who had been a slave freedman
fee paid by voters to be able to vote poll tax
what effect did the war have on both regions? returning soldiers faced economic uncertainty
what early reconstruction measure contributed to the education of former slaves? the Freedman's Bureau
why did the black codes infuriate republican representatives? they thought the black codes deprived African Americans of equal opportunities
what event helped persuade voters to elect a republican congress in 1866? an outbreak of violence in New Orleans against African Americans
what were new forces in southern politics after the civil war? white southern republicans;newly arrived northerners and African Americans
why did congress rebel against president Johnson's reconstruction plan? it was too lenient
What did the Amnesty Act do? it restored the vote to most white southerners
how did southern conservatives resist Reconstruction? they resorted violence against African Americans and white republicans
what did Rutherford B. Hayes promise to do in return for disputed southern electoral votes? remove all federal troops stationed in southern states
why did sharecroppers become trapped into a cycle of poverty? they did not earn enough cash to pay off their debts
a government grant of land or money subsidy
an organization that pools resources to buy large quantities at lower prices cooperative
area set aside for native Americans reservation
fenced enclosure for cattle corral
rich vein of gold or silver lode
what changed the way plains Indians hunted prairie dogs
what was the greatest threat to cowhands on cattle drives? runaway herds
What were the terms of the Fort Laramie Treaty? land would be reserved for native Americans forever, and they would receive tools, domestic animals and money
why was the Dawes act of 1887 unsuccessful? the act ignored the traditional native American views of land ownership
what role did the buffalo play in the lives of plains Indians? they were a source of food,clothing, and shelter
why did many exodusters move to Kansas in 1879? to homestead a new land because African Americans' rights were challenged at the end of reconstruction
in plain Indian societies men were most likely to ______? lead tribal religious ceremonies
what location did native Americans win a victory over cavalry troops? little big horn valley
how did plains Indians from different nations communicate with each other? by sign language
why were Texas longhorn cattle popular in the commercial market? they required fairly lo maintenance
how was a woman's social rank established in plain Indian society? by demonstrating artistic skills
how did the native American way of life come to an end? the government took away power of the tribal leaders
how did the homestead act encourage people to move west? it offered free land for those willing to farm it
what is one challenge foreign miners faced on the mining frontier? mobs forced Mexicans to leave their claims
the plains Indians pretty much used buffalo for everything except___ transportation
whose job was concerned primarily with tending and driving cattle herds to market? cowhand
what was not a factor contributing to the near extinction of the buffalo? herding buffalo to eastern markets
across the ocean transatlantic
license for a new invention patent
making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply mass production
method of production in which workers add parts to a product as it moves past them on a belt moving-assembly line
what sped up communication and the pace of business telephone
who created a special device that oiled engines automatically? Elijah McCoy
who employed teams of inventors to systematically produce a small invention every 10 days and a big one every 6 months? Thomas Edison
who invented the flying machine? Orville and Wilbur Wright
how did the relationship change between worker and boss change after the civil war? a worker's union had less power then
what were the results of the 1855 strike at the Missouri pacific railroad ? the union got their previous wages back
what were the goals of the American Federation of Labor? to get better wages, hours and working conditions
a workplace in which people labor long hours in poor conditions for low pay sweatshop
replaces a worker who has gone on strike strikebreaker
the right of unions to negotiate with management on behalf of a group of workers collective bargaining
stand for the famous union of garment workers that was found in 1900 ILGWU
Created by: walzie5



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